(Chapter 2)

Mulai dari awal

"First of all my head ain't that big but nothing trying to find something to wear" I said sighing

"Thats a damn lie. I kno it was painful for momma to push that big ass head out" he said making me bust out laughing.

"Fuck you ight"

"Ew incest no thanks" he said gagging making me laugh even harder.

"Uh the twins are calling I'll holla at you later big brother" I said wrapping up the conversation with me and my oldest brother.

"Ight love you girl" he said making me smile.

"Love you too bro" then I clicked the call over to the twins.


"HAAAPPPYY BIRRTHDAAAAYYY LIL SIS" they shouted in the phone. I laughed and shook my head.

"Thanks my twins" I said

"You're welcome" they said in unison, I laughed

"Guys stop you kno I can't tell y'all apart when you do that" I whined. They laughed and said

"This twin that's talking right now is Ja'Kayden" he said making me chuckle

"Yea the young dumb one" Ja'Kore said making me laugh out loud.

"Nigga we the same age so shut up" Ja'Kayden said

"But I'm older" Ja'Kore said

"Yea by 5 minutes so shut up like I said. Anyways lil sis wyd" Kayden said making me laughing. Those two are always into it

"Nothing trying to find me something to put on, I jus got off the phone with Khaine" I said letting them kno I talked to Kyren.

"What his buff ass doing" Kayden asked making me and Kore crack up laughing

"Um nothing not that I kno of, he said he was jus laying around" I told them

"Well lil sis how about this. You get dressed and me and twin will come pick you up and take you out to eat for your birthday" Kore said making me smile. Man I love my brothers

"Ok that sounds like a plan" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"Ight see you at 3" Kayden goofy ass said

"Alright bye" I said then hung up.

I slung my body on my bed and relaxed my nerves. I was dozing off when my phone started ringing. I groaned as I answered it.

"Hello" I said annoyed

"Happy Birthday Kookie" My big sister Ja'Kyla said causing me to wake up.

"Thank you sissy!" I squealed

"You're welcome honey. Wyd" Lord why is everyone asking that

"Nothing now caked up with my sister"

"Oh ok" she responded

"Ky I miss you" I whined into the phone to my sister

"I miss you more" she cooed into the phone.

"I'm going out with the twins today" I said rolling over on my stomach.

"I kno they told me" she said. I heard my 5 week old niece crying.

"Aw what's wrong with auntie stank" I cooed

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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