Part 2

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Present day

Calico dragged into her apartment building. The long days and even longer nights was starting to take its toll on her. She let out a moan. The strap of her purse was cutting into her shoulder due to all the files she had stuffed into it. She hated bringing work home from the office, but lately, she didn't have a choice. She would have preferred using her nights to work on the designing projects she had coming due. However, her new supervisor seemed to have it out for her. The damn woman would purposely wait 'til the last moment to give her the information she needed to get her work done. It didn't matter that Calico would flood the woman's email with follow up messages inquiring on the files. The boney middle aged lady would come by her desk to drop off a mountain of files, leaving behind the heavy smell of cigarettes in her wake. For the life of her, she couldn't figure out what she had done to piss the bitch off. She came to work on time. She never left her chair unless it was for her break or to use the bathroom. She never pretended to work, but was actually on her phone. She dressed according to dress code even though the other female employees in the accounting department didn't seem to give a damn. She was the model employee.

Of course, the few people in the office she considered friends had told her that was the problem. They said she was too damn good. No one, let alone the supervisor, wants to be outdone by a lower employee. Calico sighed, and thanked God once again that she had her own thing she was working to get off the ground. It had taken her awhile, but it seemed as if things were working in her favor. Maybe, if she played her cards right, she'll be able to march into her supervisor's corner office and tell the bitch to kiss her ass before she threw her resignation on top of her desk.

A big smile formed on her full lips at that thought, as she placed the key into the front door. Unfortunately, the smile turned into a loud scream. A dark figure materialized out of nowhere behind her to press her up against the wooden door.

"Shut your loud mouth. Hurry up and open the damn door," cried the man from behind.

"Rush...Rush, is that you?" she asked as she fumbled with the lock while she tried to get a glimpse of him over her shoulder. She hadn't seen or heard from him in a week.

"Hurry up," he shouted as he shook her, as if doing so would make her move faster. When he heard the door finally give way, he shoved her out of the way to enter the apartment. Stunned, Calico walked in, and kicked the door closed, then turned back to see what was blocking it from closing.

"She's with me," mumbled Rush. He paced in a circle while he waited for the woman that had drove him home to enter the apartment.

Calico eyed the pale red head as she passed by. There was something wrong. It was more than the chill she felt run up her spine that told her that. It was also the fact that Rush was wearing a hoodie. Her brother couldn't stand being hot, but there he was in long sleeves and all with the hood pulled low over his face in the hot swamp called South Florida. The woman quietly sat down in the arm chair, plopped her purse of the floor, crossed her legs, and watched them as if she was awaiting a play to start.

Calico opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off.

"I'm in trouble. I mean some deep, stank, dirty, elephant size s**t," he said in a shaky voice.

"I don't have any money. I'll tell you that right now," stated Calico as her gray eyes darted back and forth from her brother then to the waiting redhead.

"F**k money. That shit isn't gonna help me," he replied. He reached up and pulled off the hood.

"Your face?"

The Billionaire Mob Wife, Loving The Bad BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora