Chapter 16

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*Ryuua's POV*

As soon as the test began I started calculating their words. Cheat and get caught 5 times, you will be disqualified. Hmmm, it's almost like they want us to be disqualified.... Wait! They want us to cheat and see if we get caught or not!

I began to look around at other people to see what they were doing. Yuki was using her secret hearing technique, it was even better than her advanced hearing technique, she could now hear the pencils writing on the paper and she could easily listen to what they were writing. Umi had summoned one of her summons at the beginning of the test, she could summon any animal she wanted so she had summoned a ladybug and was now writing down what she could see through the creatures eyes. Kiba was using akamaru to find the answers. Neji and hinata were using their byakugan. And me?

I was banging my head against the desk as I had no fucking idea how to cheat. I sat there just thinking for about 10 minutes before I finally figured something out.


"Right so now you try it." Tomonae Sensei instructed while folding her arms.

I created the hand signs then yelled, "Mind over matter jutsu!" My eyes instantly went from red to black.

I gasped as In front of me there was information about everything to do with Tomonae Sensei. It was like a control panel, with one section on her personal information like age and height, there was memories and her thought. Basically everything.

"W-wow! This is my kekkei genkai?!" I asked before flicking through her likes and dislikes.

"Yeah it is. It's called Mushin, meaning No Mind, it's kinda like you can access their whole mind and it's like they don't have one as they don't have any secrets or hidden information anymore." Tomonae Sensei explained. "And also, stop stalking my mind!" She snapped an do released the jutsu.

"Hehe, sorry." I rubbed the back of my head smiling sheepishly.

I was still impressed as Tomonae Sensei explained about my jutsu. It showed the enemies weakness and strong points, their fears and desires and their dreams and failures. I was only able to use the jutsu twice a day as it drains a good amount of my chakra.

Flashback over

I created hand signs under the table, "mind over matter jutsu" I whispered and then the panel appears again. I looked over to a ninja in front of me then scrolled through their thoughts.

I found their current thought after being scared by their perverted thoughts about Ino and Sakura.

I wrote down the answers that they were thinking about with 20 minutes to spare. I sat back in my chair after releasing my jutsu.

I heard someone sigh behind me and looked to see Shikamaru with his head on the desk. He looked up and smiled lazily at me. I flicked his head and smiled back.

"Don't get too comfortable, the 10th question will start soon." I said ruffling his hair jut to annoy him.

"Immature." Takeshi tutted from next to him and I just rolled my eyes.

"You love meeee." I sang and he just glared at me before looking away. I tilted my head to the side at him but shrugged it off Turning back around.

"Alright! It's time for the 10th question." Ibiki started from the front. "Before we begin, I have some rules." And with that. I zoned out.

I zoned back in when he said something about if any one wanted to leave. I just looked around at my team and nodded to Takeshi he just nodded back. When in looked over at Ari, she looked a little nervous before nodding.

"Would anyone else like to leave?" Ibiki asked us all.

Naruto then raised his hand before slamming it back down onto the desk. "I will not give up and I won't back down! I don't care if I have to stay a genin for the rest of my life, I will become hokage one day! I don't go back on my word, that's my ninja way!" He exclaimed as all the nervous people suddenly became determined.

"Well, for those of you remaining you.........pass" Ibiki smiled at us as people suddenly started yelling at him.

"What do you mean pass?!?" A blond girl from Suna asked standing up.

"You see, the point in the first 9 questions was to see who could cheat properly, those of you who couldn't were weeded out." He then took off his headband to reveal his head covered in punctures, scars and cuts. Everyone gasped as he put his headband back on.

"You see, it is good to get information that is correct. However, it is better to not have any information at all then wrong information. There were already two jonin placed in the room who have taken the test before and know the answers." He explained. Then there was a whole other speech but I zoned out, again.

I was brought back to reality as someone came breaking in through the window.

"Hmmm, there's a lot left. Ibiki are you getting soft?" A woman with dark hair stood at the front.

"Your early, Anko. And no, they could be a better crop this year." Ibiki replied shaking his head at her.

"Ha! Doesn't look like it." She looked at us all in turn before putting her hands on her hips and clearing her throat. "All right maggots! You think this part was hard? Well think again! I'm not as soft as Ibiki so prepare your selves. The second part of the exam will be held later so good luck, you'll need it!" She smirked evilly making us all sweat drop.

"Subtle, very subtle" I muttered while sighing.

"Scared?" Takeshi teased from behind. I turned round to look at him.

"In your dreams." I replied smiling sweetly.

"This is gonna be a drag." Shikamaru sighed ad I nodded.

"Just don't lazy your way out of it, K?" I told him and he just smirked.

"I'm saying the same about you." He replied making me laugh and Takeshi rolled his eyes.

It'd been a little while since I last updated!

Anyway, I'm really excited about the next part of the chuunin exams!

So I hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading!


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