Chapter|07 POV** Capricorn

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  "Nice catch, Scorpio. Lock the doors when you leave," I said as I grinned at her. She looked at me and gave me a death stare. I would almost think it was real, if I didn't know her as well as I do.
     Scorpio turned around and locked up the doors on our way out. She made her way around the whole gym, and locked all two of the other doors.

      Taurus was already outside and in the front seat, which left Scorpio in the backseat, and me as the driver. Well, I was the only one out of all of us that has one. I think the maturest one too.

I jogged at a slow pace after I got outside and into the cool breeze. The day was beginning to morph into nighttime, which let the temperatures drop.

My car, a grey dodge neon, was located just outside the doors next to the sidewalk. Before we came into the building, maybe one or two hours ago, I had parked it there.

Taurus could be seen in the front seat, waving his curly locks as he headbanged. White headphones were placed upon his bed of hair. He was getting so into his music... Just like all the time.

I walked past the back end of the Neon, and made my way to the drivers side. As I gripped underneath the handle and pulled, I slid quickly into my seat.

I closed the car door, which lead to it shaking the car. The car had a welcoming atmosphere to it. It was light and comfortable. Before throwing my bag into the back seat, I grabbed the other keys that were in it, that was for my car. I slid the key into the key hole. It fitted smoothly into it. I turned the key and the car roared to life.

I heard the back door open, and spun my head around to make sure it was Scorpio. She silently sat down in her seat behind the passengers side. Her moves were cat like; swift but quiet. That's one of the mysteries I can't solve about her.

Scorpio opened up her book imediently and began to lose herself in the bunch of pages. That was another mystery about her; why was she always reading? Scorpio always consumed herself in her books, almost like this one girl...Her hair was a dark brown color, and she always hung out with Cancer. I quickly turned my thoughts away from Cancer.

     I couldn't remember her name. Vigo? Virgie? Vir-something?

I slammed my fist down in frustration. How could I not remember such a simple name? I knitted my brows at my steering wheel, and cursed myself for my poor memory.

Taurus looked over at me concerned and confused. He took off his headphones and placed them in his lap. He unplugged them from his phone. "What was that all about?" He asked, pointing at me and circling his fingers around me.

     I smiled innocently ad shrugged my shoulders. I had to come up with a lie quick... "There was a scorpion on the steering wheel?" I replied as if it was a question. I widened my smile to see if he got it. He looked at me stupidly and just shrugged.

     I had realized what I just said and turned around. Scorpion...Scorpio... She looked at me and I couldn't tell how she felt. Her face was emotionless. "Oh..Capricorn...You may not be intentionally funny, but when your not trying you are," she said as she let out a low laugh. I couldn't help but chuckle along.

     I turned around and stepped my foot on the pedal. We began to roll forward, on our adventure to our houses.

"Cya, man," Taurus hunched down and waved outside the right passenger side window. I had drove Taurus to his house, and we were right outside his house, on the road.

"GoodBye!" I took my right hand off the steering wheel and wave back to him.

"Bye, Taurus," Scorpio said in her soft voice from the back. I turned around and saw she was showing off her warm smile. It always brightened a room. I wish she would smile more often, but unfortunately she doesn't.

Taurus looked back and wave to her. "Cya, Scorp," he replied. That was a nickname we called her sometimes. Taurus twisted around on his foot and began walking up the long sidewalk in front of his house.

Once we said our goodbyes, I set off on my way to take Scorpio home. The light was quickly starting to drain from the sky, and turn into a pitch black. The lamps that were along side the road were starting to flicker to life the longer I drove.

We drove in silence for awhile. We stopped at a stop light, and I began to tap my fingers on the steering wheel. I sometimes did this for no reason. The light turned to green, and I started off driving again.

I rolled down the window to let in some of the cold air. I was starting to get a minor headache, and rolling town the window helped cure it.

I looked back at Scorpio in the mirror that was in the middle of the front. Our eyes locked for a few seconds, and we just stared at each other, until she looked away and stared out the window. I felt that she was probably smiling to herself.

"So, are you excited for the field trip?" I asked, trying to start small talk. I looked back up to the mirror, and saw she turned around and looked back at me.

      I didn't care for the field trip. I don't care for most of the school paid for functions. It was all just another thing for me to correct the..."less smarter" people on.

    "Eh, I don't really want to go. Could you imagine me in the woods, in a cabin, and staying for almost four days?" She said smartly, with a grin. I nodded. She was totally true. I couldn't imagine Scorpio to want to do anything related to staying out doors.

     "Ha...not at all," I replied as I turned the  corner. I turned into Scorpios road. 3 houses left. 2 houses left. 1 house left. I finally arrived in front of her house. They all looked the same; the same cream coloring sidings, same gray roof, and the same red doors. All the houses look exactly the same, but Scorpios house just jumped out at me. And the fact that I've been to her house a lot in our three years of being friends.

     "Well, I'll see you later, Cappy," she said as she opened the door and climbed out. I saluted to her jokingly and she began to laugh. I waved goodbye and was off on my way.

___________________________________Authors Note;

     Chapter 7 is done! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I apologize if it was really crappy, I had to rush and I'm sick xD :-:

     Sorry if this isn't how Capricorn is, but I guess it's how he's gonna be! (Also this goes for all the other Zodiac Signs)

     Anyway, I hope you guys did really enjoy, and continue to keep reading and keep up all the support! It really means a lot and it always puts a smile on my face when I see all the positive feedback!    


     Have a great and beautiful day/night! ❤️



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