Chapter 01| POV* Cancer

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Virgo and I began to walk at a normal pace after we closed the doors to our deep blue lockers, which were located right next to each other. I was carrying my math textbook in my right arm. Our shoes clanked on the white glossy floor as we walked to our classes.

We both had the next two classes together: math and technology, which was basically some type of coding.

"Did you finish your homework?" I asked Virgo as we shuffled to the side out of peoples ways. It almost appeared as if we were invisible to some. Well, until they wanted to pick out out flaws and weaknesses. Or our appearance. I could hear people snicker from their lockers at me and talk in low voices. Most likely of my name, Cancer. I glared back at some of the people that were laughing and looking at me, and spotted Aries among one of them. I stopped walking for a second. My frame shrunk back in size.

"Stay away from her, you might get Cancer," Aries snickers were heard from the other side of the hallway. "Oh, watch out for her lovely boyfriend over their too." Other crowds of people around began to laugh at us. I could feel my eyes begin to get a little watery. How could they make fun of Virgo for her short hair? My skin was beginning to crawl at the rudeness I was receiving. What did I ever do to them?

No. I told myself. I will not cry in front of these ignorant people. They know they is one of my flaws.

Virgo saw my reaction and put her hand on my back and nudged me forward. "Ignore them. They're only doing it to get inside your head. They want to see you cry," she said as we began to walk. A tear had creeped it's way out of my eye and cascade down my rosy cheeks. I nodded and we continued to our classes. How could Virgo contain her emotions from everyone who picks on her?

I hated Aries. I despise him, and so does Virgo. He always get me going, and makes my sensitivity "shine through." He had no concern for how others feel. Being the schools popular wild boy apparently gives him that right. I'm glad I have a friend like Virgo, who understands. We both only had each other.

We walked through the open door of our math class, and took our seats. Virgo and I sat in the front, but we sat on the ends. The big windows that were located on the other walk across from the door were open. I could feel a soft breeze blow through the room and circulate, making it slightly cooler than usual.

     I placed the textbook I had been carrying under the desk. Stragglers walked in every few seconds, until the bell finally rang and everyone had been seated. The loud dinging of the bell echoed in my mind. Mrs. Lorene stood up from her desk chair, and she immediately looked taller. She walked out from around her black metal desk, and sat on top of it facing her class.

She was wearing a grey pantsuit, and she was indeed wearing black heels which gave her three inches in height. Her curly black hair was strung back an pulled into a tight bun, but you could see a few strands that were trying to fulfill their natural curls. Her sea green eyes were caged behind a pair of thin oval glasses. She had a light set of makeup on today, just a light shade of pink lipstick. Mrs. Lorene always reminded me of a business marketer based on how she dressed.

"Okay class, I need you all to pull out your textbooks and flip to page 117, and begin working to page 126. We will have a quiz tomorrow over it, so pay attention and good luck!" As soon as she said that, every one groaned out loud. I didn't, I was honestly with them in disliking doing so many pages and having a quiz over it tomorrow, but I guess I can't do anything about it, right?

Mrs. Lorene hopped off her desk and moved back to her seat. She began to go through a stack of papers and marking with red pen on them.

I grabbed my textbook I had placed under my chair, and placed it on my desk. I unattached the mechanical pencil that was hanging in the front cover and flipped through the pages in search of page 117. I finally arrived to the page, and looked at what we were doing today. I sighed out loud and rested my head against my left hand. Algebra equations. My worst nightmare. Math is defiantly not my thing, but writing and language arts, right up my alley.

I was stumbling going through the questions. Every page was inked with mathematical questions from top to the bottom. But instead of giving up and not finishing it, I continued to haul through the agony.

Yes! Page one down! 8 more to go... As I was flipping the page over, I saw Virgo out of the corner of my right eye. Instead of working on the questions, she had her phone out under the desk. I rolled my eyes. She was most likely looking at one of her ships on this new book reading app she got last month. She's been addicted to it when she found out people could write their own stories in it. Virgo is all about her ships...

But in the other hand, why was she acting so rebellious today? She's typically the one that gets on me for wanting to take a little risk as if lying to a teacher about where you're actually going in the halls. Virgo is the shy and quiet type. We're very similar, in that aspect and that we both hated school, but still pulled through.

I scanned around and notice no one was paying attention. I let out a breathe and relaxed a little. I was worrying that she was going to get caught.

I tapped my desk loudly with my fingers repetitively, trying to get Virgo's attention. When she didn't get what I was doing, I got a little frustrated. She was fully focused on her phone.

I was beginning to panic. I had to restore to the last thing I could. "Virgo," I whispered lowly. She looked at me and saw my expression. I pointed at her phone and mouthed, "put it away!" I crossed my brow.

She mouthed the word "O," and tried to slide her phone into her pocket. Mrs. Lorene looked up from her desk and at Virgo. My stomach dropped. Dang it, Virgo!

"Virgo, would you mind bringing that device up to me?" She demanded boredly as she continued to grade papers. She does this all the time during class, so this was pretty typical. But today, everyone was shocked why Virgo was getting called out. Everyone was shocked, including Mrs. Lorene herself, even though she didn't want to admit it.

Virgo's face blushed a deep shade of red as she took the walk of shame up to the teachers desk. She glance back at me and her eyes were pleading with me. Why? I tried to help her.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. I truly felt bad for Virgo, but there was nothing I could do. I turned back towards my textbook and consumed myself into the questions again. Oh Virgo... Why are you stubborn at some points?

___________________________________Authors Note:

Thank you everyone for reading the first chapter of my book! I hoped you enjoyed it, as much as I did writing it. I'm really excited to write this book. I've personally never read a book similar to this, (the plot line) but i apologize if it seems clique. Anyway, I hope you guys keep reading. Have a beautiful day!~~~


(P.S: I would appreciate it if you guys could check out my other two books. Thanks :3)


This part is NOT EDITED, so I apologize in advance!


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