"What are you thinking about?" Swayam asked after silence between them grew.

"Nothing and everything at the same time. That doesn't even make sense. You must be thinking how crazy I am." Sharon answered.

"You're not crazy Shar. A little weird yes, but not crazy." Swayam said.

"Hey! I'm not weird." Sharon said as she swats his hand away from hers.

"Okay you're not weird. I'm sorry. Now what were you listening to?" Swayam asked.

Sharon smiled at him and passed one of the ear buds to him. They both sat quietly with their hand enclosed in each other's letting the music fill the silence.
After two days of much needed rest Sharon was surrounded by work again and this time she felt as if it had increased ten folds. Her head throbbed but she couldn't do anything about it. She quickly gulped down a glass of water and this returned to her assigned job. She tried to concentrate but something, no someone distracted her. She thought about the last two days, the memory never escaping her mind. The bus ride was so exhausting that Sharon immediately plopped on her bed as soon as she reached home. As few seconds passed, she felt the bed sink and arms enclosing her body. She fell asleep as the warmth from his body made her feel like home. With thoughts swarming her mind, she continued working. Just a matter of few days and all this was going to be over. Days went by quickly and she had grown attached to the schedule, the people and basically everything about the job. As she came out of the green room after checking the costumes, she saw Swayam sitting quietly, busy tapping his mobile screen. Sharon went up to him and greeted him.

"Hello Mr. Swayam Shekhawat. How can I help you this fine morning?" Sharon said trying to mimic the voice of a telephone operator.

"I need no assistance whatsoever. Thanks for asking and by the way its past 12." Swayam replied.

"Work has made me forget about time." She sighed and sat next to him.

"How long have you been waiting?" Sharon questioned.

"It's been a while." Swayam replied.

"Why didn't you call me?" Sharon asked.

"Well you were busy and you had that expression on your face that clearly said you didn't want to be disturbed." Swayam replied.

Sharon just nodded and then felt Swayam's hand on her shoulder. She leaned on him, feeling content but then a thought crossed her mind that made her sit up abruptly.

"Shar, what happened?" Swayam asked.

"I am so dead." Was Sharon's only reply as she quickly removed her cell phone from her pocket.

"Care to elaborate Sharon?" Swayam asked.

"I haven't told Ankita about us and knowing her she will kill if she knew that information was kept from her for almost three days." Sharon said dramatically.

"You're just overreacting Sharon. You talked as if you kept a secret that could endanger the world's security." Swayam chuckled.

"This is no laughing matter Swayam. Great to see how much you care about you're girlfriend." Sharon said.

"It's nice to hear that word from you." Swayam said.

"Dare you change the topic Swayam." Sharon said trying to hide her blush. She then began dialling Ankita's number. Before she could hit the call but she was interrupted by Swayam.

"I have an idea." Swayam said.

"I don't like the sound of this, but I'm dead anyway. Let me hear it." Sharon said with a sigh.

Swayam told her what was his brilliant idea and then started dialling Ankita's number on his cell. He looked over at Sharon who had a confused expression on her face because she couldn't decide whether to be happy about the idea or be scared of Ankita's wrath after it was executed. After a series of ring Ankita picked up the call.

"Hello my favourite lover boy." Ankita greeted.

"Hello to you too. I need to talk." Swayam said.

"I'm all ears." Ankita replied.

"How about you come to the theatre?" Swayam suggested.

"OK. I'll be there by three I guess." Ankita said.

"I'll meet you then." Swayam said.

"Quick question. Is this about Sharon?" Ankita enquired.

"Yes." Swayam replied trying to sound sad.

"I don't like the tone of your voice. I'll be there as soon as I can. Ciao lover boy." Ankita said and ended the call.

"So, what did she say?" Sharon asked.

"Sharon my love, the game is afoot." Swayam said at which Sharon rolled her eyes. He always called her dramatic but look at him being much more dramatic.

"Call me when she gets here. I have to take care of something." She got up from her seat and pecked his cheek. Swayam was dazed by this and a blush appeared on his face. Before he could recover from her actions he saw a flash of light hit his eyes.

"Ah! Priceless." Sharon said as she admired the photo.

"You aren't going to delete that, are you?" Swayam said.

"Never in a million years." Sharon said as she smirked and walked away.


A/N- I hope you all like the chapter :) Thank you for all the votes and comments. 😄

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