Chapter 2

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16 years old

"Emily! Get up! I got important news!" Austin said running into my room, shaking me awake from my peaceful sleep. He knows to never wake me up.

"Austin," I said quite annoyed. "This better be fucking good or I'll beat your ass." I opened my eyes to see his expression which looked a little scared but a little excited as well.

"Eh, no you can go back to sleep." He said more nervous than when he came over for girl advice back when he liked Taylor. Ew. I shivered with disgust every time I thought about her.

"Austin, you better fucking tell me before I get up from this bed and kick you in the balls." Now he was really scared. He backed up a little and put his hands against his crotch.

"I got a call from record label and they want me to go to Miami to work with them." I got off my bed and started running towards him with a huge hug which he flinched. He's still scared. Good.

"That's great, Austin!" I said still hugging him. He finally put his arms around me to hug back. "How long will you be gone?" I said releasing him from the hug.

"Hopefully, just the month of June, but that can always change." he said excited. I thought about it a minute.

"Wait, does that mean you're not coming to the beach house with me this summer?" I asked, scared of his answer. he nodded.

"I'm sorry, Emily. You know I wouldn't miss it if I could go. This is important to me. It could be my last chance to become famous if I want it." He said while I pouted. I felt his arms wrap around me. I really wanted him to go on this trip. I wanted to hang out and actually tell him how much I like him. I was going to share my feelings with him on this trip and he's not even going. I felt tear fall down my face and he must have saw it too because he hugged harder. "Hey," he looked down at me, "I'll FaceTime, call and text everyday. It's just a month."

"I'll miss you." That's all I could say.

"I'll miss you, too." He said while ruffling my hair like I was a little child.

"How long do you have till you leave?" I said, trying to cheer myself up a little. I could tell from his eyes, that I will not like his answer.

"Tomorrow. I canceled all plans to hang out with friends and love ones today. We're all are going to Alex's house to hang out in the game room. You have to come Emily." A tear slide down my face again and I wiped it real fast. I put head down, trying not to cry and also so Austin wouldn't see me crying even though, we both knew he knew. He finally wrapped me in his big strong arms, whispering words of comfort. "Emily, you're my best friend. A day won't go by without you hearing from me. I promise. You'll be able to visit. We will get through this." I smiled to myself. This boy is the only boy who makes me feel whole. 

As soon as I stopped crying, he left so I could get ready for Alex's house. I put on my grey Panic! at the Disco t-shirt and a red flannel on with black leggings and my grey vans. I put my long brown hair into a high pony tail. I didn't worry about makeup because lord knows, I'll probably cry again. I said bye to my mom and dad than walked over to Austin's. I was about to knock on the door but Austin was coming out with Mama Michele. Mama Michele hugged me than we got into her car, Austin in the front and I in the back. Mama Michele drove us to Alex's house. 

When we pulled into Alex's driveway, we saw Zach and Robert get out of Mrs. Dorsey's car. Robert ran up to me hugging me than here came Zach. We all walked up together and walked into Alex's house. His mom is an open door kind of woman. The boys and I went downstairs. At first we were all just talking and having a good time. Talking about old times.

When Mama Michele was ready to leave, Austin and I said our goodbye to our friends. We got back in the car and left. We pulled into the Mahone driveway. Austin walked me back to my house.

"The boys are taking us to the airport. We will be ridding with Alex. Zach and Robert are gonna follow with our luggage. Wanna ride with us? Alex said he'll take you home." He asked. 

I quickly nodded, "I'm sure it will be fine with Mom and Dad."

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow then." I nodded and hugged him. We quickly said goodbye and he walked home. I waited until he was on his porch and we waved goodbye to each other and walked in at the same time. I closed the door and went straight to my room. I'm going to miss my best friend.

------------------------------- Next day // airport ----------------------------------

As Austin made his way around the circle of his friends, hugging us, he came to me last. "I love you, Best Friend." He pulled back ruffling my hair, I really hated that. I glared at him.

"Love you, too, butt face." He laughed.

"There's my best friend." he said still giggling at my butt face comment. I would have said a lot worse if my Mama Michele wasn't around. He hugged me one last time, whispering that he would call as soon as they are settled into the condo they will be staying in after a meeting he has to attend as soon as he landed.

He picked his backpack up and walked away. When he gave his ticket to the flight attendant, he turned back with tears in his eyes, waving at me and the boys. I started to cry. Alex put his arm around me and we walked away as soon as we couldn't see Austin any longer.

As Alex drove me home, I just laid on the door and watching out the window, a few tears dropping at a time. I said goodbye to Alex as we drove up my driveway. I watched Alex drive away than looked over, imagining Austin at his front door, waving goodbye to me like he always did, than walking in our front door at the same time, like we have done so many times before.

My mom was on the couch with open arms and I laid there, crying. I dried up my tears and walked upstairs to my room. I put my ringer on and waited for Austin's call.

----------------3 hours later-----------------

I heard my phone ringing like crazy, I jumped up and looked at the caller ID. Its Austin. I answered.

"Hello pop star." I said laughing a little.

"Hey Emily." Austin said. Usually he would have a name for me and when he didn't he was either sad or mad.

"How's Miami?" I said shrugging off the no nickname thing.

"It's okay. Look, Emily, I can't talk long." He said a little upset.

"Um, okay." I said kind of confused.

"Emily, I got to go. This will be the last time you hear from me. Please, do me a favor and never speak to me again." He said really upset now.

"Austin, what did I do?" I asked, tears starting to fall.

"Bye Emily." The line went dead. I was lost for words. All I could do was cry. What happened?

I called everyday for 3 months, no pick up, only voicemail. I called one more time and the number was disconnected.

A/N: Hello lovelies. I know it's been like 3 years but I am back and better than ever. This book will be hella good because I am college educated now. Probably haven't learned anything because college sucks (really not that bad), but ya know. I plan on writing weekly, if not, i'll  send an update. Follow me so you can get that update. Have a great rest of the day.

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