Crystallised Youth

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You were made of millions of crystals yet

Your crystalline structure was nothing more

Than a burden for you to carry on your

Shoulders of delicate amethyst.

The only time you felt worthwhile was

When you sank a razor into your turquoise

Veins and the tears of lapis lazuli mixed

With the muffled cries of self-loathing.

The only time you felt beautiful was

When the diamond heart inside of your

Onyx body shattered into a million pieces but

No one was there to marvel at the rainbow

coloured light rays reflecting off of the glass.

You were tired of being ignored so

You built up walls of smoky quartz just so

You could never feel the warmth of human

Touch on your icy jade skin again.

No matter how lonely you felt you

Reminded yourself that you were

Built of stone after all.

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