My Body

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Trigger Warning

You pierced my heart with silver;

And I begged, and prayed I would bleed gold;

But all I bled was shame and disappointment.

My blood creating a pool around me;

A pool that stained and corrupted everything I touched.

Your words, sharpened like throwing knives;

Stab me in all my insecurities;

Drawing attention to the places I wish would vanish.

My arms, chest and face act as a knife holder;

I pull out the knives and store them in my lace garter;

I will use them later to inflict even more harm on myself.

People like you teach us to hate our bodies;

To cover them up with bulletproof armour;

But also wear nothing to please you.

So I stitch a smile on my face every day;

Just so I don't have to tell you why I'm sad... again.

I stare at myself in the mirror;

Maybe if I stare long enough,

My body will become attractive;

It's sad that for some reason;

Being attractive is more important than being alive.

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