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~Mason's view~

I get a text from Bella saying she will meet me at her house at about 6pm. I didn't ask her why so late, but at this point I don't care; just want to see my girl.. This day has been way too long and stressful. Speaking of that, I can't believe I have to tell her that Karen is the one who got her raped.. It's going to break her.

I pull up to her house and put the car into park.
I sit there diligently waiting for her to text me when to come inside.
I notice a black Mercedes sitting across the street. There's a person inside but when they notice I'm looking at them, they sink a little lower in their seat but continue to look at me.
What the fuck..

Suddenly I see the door open and Bella is leaning against the door frame staring at me with a smile.
I get out and run to the door swooping her up into my arms inhaling her scent.

She giggles,"I missed you too."

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you Bells.." I whisper into her ear not letting her go.

She nods and smiles, then grasps my hand in hers and ushers me inside. I shut the door behind me and I watch her walk through the house in her pajamas.
She's wearing Nike running shorts and a Tapout t-shirt. She looks beautiful even with her hair in a bun.

"So how was your day?" She asks me returning from the kitchen.

Here we go..

"Umm not that good actually.. It's what I have to talk to you about Bella." I look down and make my way to the couch and sit.

"Oh okay.. Well tell me.." She says sitting next to me grabbing my hand.

"I don't know how to say this, but here it goes: Karen and Mr. Hansford were having an affair, and when she found out that you and I were kind of close, she convinced him to rape you...that's why it happened at the dance. They planned it Bella. Karen is the one who got you raped.." I stare at her pale face and watch her sadness turn to anger.

"That fucking bitch! She single handed my ruined my life, and she's YOUR WIFE!" She screamed hysterically as she gets up from the couch.

I get up and approach her,"She's not my wife anymore Bella I'm done with her! I told her how condescending she was for doing that and I left her. I even have my bags in the car."

She glares at me and breaks down crying. I grab her into my arms and I hold her as her tears stain my shirt. God I feel so fucking bad I just want to hold her all night long.

"S-so you've known about this all along and just now decided to tell me?!" She whimpers and tries to get out of my grasp.

"No Bella stop!" I shake her. "I just found out today when Karen told me!"

Tears keep falling from her eyes,"I don't know what to even say right now.." Her voice is hoarse from crying and screaming.

She pushes me away from her and storms off up the stairs into(what I'm assuming) her room. I reluctantly decide to follow her. I can't leave her alone. When I walk in I see her sitting on her bed with her face in her hands; all I hear is crying.

"Bella ple-" she cuts me off.

"GET OUT!!" She yells after pushing me to the floor.

"Please listen to me I didn't know till now!"

"I don't give a fuck! You're the reason she did this to me!" She cries pushing me again.

"Hey! Calm the fuck do-" again she pushes me causing me to hit my head on her windowsill.

That's it. I've had enough of this.


My palm collided with her cheek causing her to fall onto the bed.

~Unknown POV~

"So you saw her with this man and continued to watch her walk away hand in hand with him?"

"Yes sir, I did exactly what you told me."

"Good good. What did this man look like?"

"Oh well... Uh... He was black I know that!"

I turn and face this man, the man whom I thought would be able to figure this shit out unlike the last old man who tried to help, but he couldn't even get a picture or a decent description of this "black man."

"So what you're telling me, is that my Bella walked hand in hand away with some 'black man?'"

"Yes sir!" The man smiles as if accomplished.

"Well then I guess you-"

My fist collides with this mans face causing him to grasp his nose. He stumbles to get up but is greeted by another strike to the face.

"Sir that's enough." Theodore my assistant halts me. "He isn't completely useless, he did manage to get the young man to walk in front of the stores camera, all we need to do is go to that store and insist we see the camera and we can admire this young fellow."

"Yes I suppose you're right. Did you happen to get Bella's schedule and her address from that one broad- what was her name?"

"Currena sir."

"Ah that's right."

~Brads POV~

I drive into my driveway only to be greeted by the one person I hate most. My ex Trisha. Why the fuck is she even here?!
I take a deep breath before getting out to meet my fate.

"Baby I missed you where you-"I hold up my hand.

"First of all, I'm not your baby. Second, it's none of your damn business. Why are you here?" I ask.

She smiles,"I heard you were with that Bella chick, so I thought I'd come tell you that you're making a te-"

"Yeah yeah a terrible mistake and I need to be with you blah blah blah.."

"But that's not all. You remember Dean?"

"Dean as in my former employee?"

"Yes baby, well he told me that your Bella is still seeing Mr. Mason Lumis."

"I bet Trisha, Bella was with me all yesterday so don't even come at me with that shit."

"Oh yeah? Then why did he see him go into Bella's house the other night? He was sitting outside her very nice 2 story house at about 6pm"

This bitch can't be right.. There's no way Bella would fuck up our relationship by seeing this guy. My Bella knows better. But what if she's telling the truth? I know Trisha and she's not a very good liar..
The disappointing look on my face must have invited her to stroke the back of my neck.. And to be honest I loved it.
Maybe this is what I need. Maybe I need to tap Trisha real quick to get my mind off of Bella's stupid ass.

"Let's talk inside baby." I say after grabbing her hand.

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