Bonding With The Boys

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Adeline POV

We all arrive at the mall and Cole suggests that we should go and eat something before the movie.

We go and eat pizza in the food court and walk around after to waste time.

"Hey it's almost time to go see the movie." I say checking my phone.

"Yeah we better get going we want to find good seats." Dana says.

We all walk to the theater part of the mall and get our snacks and soda.

When we walk into the theater there is a lot of people already in there.

We end up finding just enough seat in the back row.

The movie starts and I entwine my fingers with Dalton's and nestled my head into his shoulder.

"You guys are too cute." Gabe whispers to me.

"Thanks." I whisper back.

We watched the rest of the movie in silence. When it was over we all came out and Gabe says. "That was soooo good. I love Batman!"

"Me too!" I say fist bumping Gabe. "Hey guys we should go to Hot Topic." Gabe suggests.

"Yes we should." I say and I pull Dalton there and the boys follow.

We get in there and I grab a couple of band tees and cash out.

The other guys buy their stuff and just as I'm leaving I hear a familiar voice and I panic. "Hey Adeline. What the hell are you doing here. Aren't you too scared to show your face in public. You little freak you shouldn't want to show your ugly face."

I feel tears start to fall down my cheeks. I turn around to see Alex. The person who made my life a living hell at my old school.

Dalton comes over to me after he sees me crying. "What the hell did he say to you Della?" He asks "What did you do to my girlfriend? Why the hell would you make her cry asshole?" He yells at Alex.

"Oh your girlfriend huh. Maybe you should rethink your choices little emo boy. She's a freak." Alex yells back at Dalton.

"I don't need you to tell me how to live my life and Adeline is not a freak." He yells.

"Maybe you should look at her arms they're butchered." He say.

The last thing I remember is everything going dark.

I wake up in Dalton's arms in Gabe's house.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You fainted right before I knocked that asshole at Hot Topic out." Gabe says.

I smile lightly but can't smile too big because my head hurts.

"Who was that guy anyway?" Dalton asks.

"His name is Alex. He went to my old school. He's the reason I have anxiety and depression. He used to bully me so I started to cut myself." I said and started to cry. "Please don't tell anyone that I used to cut. Please." I say and sitting up.

"We won't I promise." Says Dana getting up to hug me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dalton asks.

"I didn't want you to think I was a freak." I said looking at him with an 'I'm sorry' look.

"I would never think you were a freak Della. I love you to much." Dalton says.

Cole says. "Awe you guys are too cute."

I just give Cole a small smile and hug Dalton closer to me.

"Well now that you all know we are going to be closer." I say.

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