Best friends in danger: Part 23

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Tony walked out of the elevator and walked into the squad room. McGee sat at his desk as usual. ”Good morning McGee,” Tony said cheerfully. ”Morning Tony. Why... are you so happy...?” McGee asks curiously. ”I am as I usually am,” Tony replied. ”No you're not. You are just so nice and happy, like something special has happened. Like you have met a hot girl and slept with her,” says McGee ”No” he says sarcastist. How did he know, I'm so readable? think Tony. Gibbs stepped in and stopped in front of Tony's desk and said, ”How are they? Feel they good again?” ”Hm... I think Ziva is good, she doesn't say much so I don't know. Kate is still dizzy and she has pain in his shoulder. She must have got a good whack on it.” answer Tony. ”Okay. Bring them here tomorrow, I want to talk to them.” Says Gibbs and goes against his desk. ”So I guess I'll babysit for an evening more.” Says Tony with a smile. ”Well, is there a problem?” Gibbs responds. ”No, absolutely not,” says Tony sincerely. ”Good!”

Ziva knocked on the door and Kate opened, ”good morning” Ziva says and leans in to give Kate a hug. They went and sat down on the couch ”Feeling better?” Wonder Ziva quietly. ”Yes, a little. I'm not exactly dizzy anymore,” said Kate, smiling. ”Good... Aren't you going to ask how it went yesterday?” Asked Ziva. ”I assumed it went good for you two because you didn't come back.” ”Haha, yes. I guess that. Thank you persuaded me.” Ziva said with a smile. ”I did nothing. I'm happy for you two. But won't you go home again?” Kate says a little sad, but still happy. ”I... don't know... I guess that... But I like it here and I haven't talked to my dad. I don't want to lose you or Tony.” Says Ziva. ”You can stay here as long as you want. I would love that you to stay in DC. You are my best friend and it becomes a hard to have you in Israel.” ”I know” she said and smiled.

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