Best friends in danger: Part 20

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”How are they?” Gibbs asks when he see Tony. ”Better.” Tony replied. ”Good! You go back there again, when you are finished with your paper work.” ”Okay” responds Tony and sits down behind his desk. Tony thought of Ziva instead of doing what he should do. She was so beautiful and sexy, better than any other he has seen. Her eyes were dark brown, really pretty and her hair was long and beautiful. She was perfect! He really wanted to kiss her this morning, but didn't dare. It was too early. He wanted her for himself tonight, but because he would be in Kate's house, it was a problem. But perhaps she would understand, Kate is like a sister to him... ”Tony, Tony? Tony?” McGee shouts from his desk. ”I'm wasn't sleeping!” Tony yells. ”Finally! If you wasn't sleeping, what did you do?” Says McGee. ”I was thinking, really hard about what had happened McGoo.” ”Okay, if you say so,” says McGee.

Kate's place

Ziva and Kate sat on the couch and watched a movie. Ziva didn't look so much on the film. She wanted to find out more about Tony, but one didn't know how she would say it. She and Kate have been through a lot the last few days and become very close to each other. Kate was her best friend, even though she had only known her a few days. Ziva took a deep breath and said, ”Kate can I ask you about a thing?” With a smile. ”Of course” Kate replied. ”How long have you been working with Tony?” ”3 years.” ”Then you must know him pretty well?” ”Yes I think so. He's pretty tough, but he is always there and helps if you need. He is very stubborn, but it's a good thing, I guess. Without him we wouldn't be here now, it was he who found us. He's like a brother to me, he means a lot.” She says with a smile. It is quiet in a minute. ”You like him, right?” She says gently. ”Yes. But I barely know him and I don't want to hurt you, you are my closest friend I have. I don't want it to be awkward between us.” ”Nothing is awkward between friends, best friends” she says with a big smile and kiss her on the forehead. ”Thank you, it means a lot.” Ziva replied. ”You two should do something tonight, just the two of you. I'm pretty sure Tony feels the same way.” Says Kate. ”What about you? I don't want to leave you here alone when you are still not feeling okay.” ”I'll be fine, don't worry. I promise I'll call you if anything happens.” ”I don't know, we'll see” Ziva says.

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