Chapter 4 'Back To Normal'

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Soul's POV
Me, Blackstar and Kid were walking while planning for tomorrow since it's a Saturday. We decided to play basketball with the rest of the gang and Souka. Since she's been here she hasn't had fun. So might as well invite her. I hear running. I look at the guys to see them not hearing it. I stop and look behind us. "Soul you ok?" asked Kid. "Yeah. I just heared something." I replied. They became quiet. The running came closer and a image got into view. We finally see Maka running towards us. She finally got infront of us and was tired. "Souka is in trouble. Medusa was here and Souka fought her. She won but is injured. Some people said the only one that could heal was you, Soul." Maka said. "Lead the way." she nodded. We started to run.


We got to the entrance and saw Souka laying there in pain. I rush to her and check where is the injury. I feel a powerful magic energy coming from her arm. I look and see a bite. I immediately knew what happened. "Guys stand back." I told the gang. They stood back a little. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I touch the bite. "Night dragon moonlight heal." I said a my hands started to glow. They all looked in amaze.

After the glow faded the poison was gone. "How you do that?" asked Kid. I was about to answer but. "Because he's the one and only Night Fury." said a voice. We look behind and saw some people. "Wait, I reconize you. Your Jura from the ten wizard seints. And Sherry and Lyon, from Lamia Scale. And Hibiki, Eve, Ren and Ichiya from Blue Pegasus." I say. "Yes, that's right. Man." said Ichiya. "But what does Night Fury means?" asked Blackstar. "It means that I'm the night dragon slayer." I answered. They looked shocked. "She should be fine in a few." I said. They nodded. "Why are you looking for her anyway?" asked Maka. "We were asked to look for her and bring her back to Fairy Tail." replied Jura. "I'm afraid that won't happen." said a voice. We look behind us and saw Stein and Spirit. "She could hurt her guild." said Spirit. "How?" asked Lyon. "There is a guild that was created for only dragon slayers. So if she stayed in Fairy Tail, they could wipe the whole guild." explained Stein. "You should have said that in the first place." said a voice. I look and see Souka sitting up.  I stand up and give her a hand. She took it and stood up. "My question is, why did you have to erase my guild mark?" asked Souka. "If you cover it, the thing you were using to cover could have ripped and showed your guild mark." explained Stein. "Why not ask me. I could have used a invisibility spell. Only the caster could see it." I asked. "I didn't know you were a night dragon slayer." said Stein. "Spirit." I say as I look at him. "You knew that I was a dragon slayer. Same with Lord Death. Why didn't you told him?" I asked. He laughed nervously. I sighed. "Anyway, I'm guessing that dark guild is The Bloody Dragons." said Souka. Stein nodded. "How you know?" asked Spirit. "I might have a little rival that is in that guild." she replied. "We could use the information." Stein said. "Her name is River. She's the aqua dragon slayer. She has a twin brother named Levi. He's the nature dragon slayer." she replied. "So is kinda like us?" I asked and she nodded. "So that means they are identical twins and have an incredible bond." I said. "They are identical but they are always fighting." Souka replied. "That's all I know about them. But all I know is--" "Is that we always fight when we meet." said a high voice. We turn and see a girl with blue messy long hair. And some black makeup. She wore some blue and white summer clothes. And a boy with green messy short hair, with green and white summer clothes. "My if it isn't the Queen WB." said Souka. "Oh how nice of you." said the girl. "I meant WB as in Wanna Be." countered Souka. Recked. "Wow, I didn't know the cat lady could be such a whinner." the girl countered back. "Oh why you son of a bubble." Souka said with discust. "Oh you probably agree with me." she said. "No, I mean as in. Look who's talking." said Souka. Then a blue and white exceed stood next to the girl and a green and white exceed next to the boy. "Well atleast I'm not part of a weak guild." said the girl. "Ok that's it!!!" Souka yelled and was about to run and beat her up but I stopped her. When she calmed down I let go of her. "Guys, the girl is River and the exceed next to her is Ocean. The boy is Levi and the exceed is Vine." Souka introduced them. "Well might as well keep tradition so let's duel." said River.

Souka's POV
I smirk. "You're on." I replied. We go to different sides of the entrance. Everyone else are sitting in the stairs watching. I take a deep breath. "How about we make a bet for old times sake." suggested River. "Okay. If I win, you have to go to Magnolia and scream that Fairy Tail is number one." I said. "Okay then. And if I win, you have to come with us back to base." she suggested. "Okay that's fair enough. But remember. If it's a tie non of those things we said will happen." I remind her. She nods. "Go!"

(a/n I'm bad with fighting scenes. Sorry.)

River runs towards me. "Water dragon wing attack!" I smirk. I got a dagger and slashed it. "Water dragon...""Galaxy dragon..." "ROAR!!!" water came out of River's mouth and purple and black light with stars came out of my mouth. Smoke was everywhere. I couldn't see a thing. "Nature dragon vine rope." said a voice. A vine came and was rapped around me. After the smoke cleared I saw Levi using his nature magic to capture me and Soul. I see River smirking. I growl. "What are you doing?" I asked. "We need you back in base. So we are taking you two to base." said Levi. 'Souka can we use magic while trapped in this vines?'asked Soul through telepathy. 'Not that much. We can't use our arms.' 'Dragon roar now.' I nodded slightly. "Galaxy dragon..." "Night dragon..." we said quietly. River was talking to Levi. And the gang and the others were trapped in an enchantment. I'll help them once I have the chance. "ROAR!!!" we said in sync. Direct hit. After some smoke faded, I saw River and Levi unconcius. I rushed to my bag. I finally find my light pen and run towards the enchantment. I rewrite the enchantment and it faded away. "Nice enchanting skills." said Lyon. "Thanks." i replied. "My, look how old you've grown up. You're even more beautiful than the last time we met." said Hibiki raping and arm around my waist. "Obviously I was 8 years old. And BTW stop trying to get me to date you because it will never happen." I say. Hibiki goes of crying. Soul and I sweatdropped. "Nice magic for someone who hasn't used it in a while." I told Soul. "More as three years." he said."I guess if we're going to fight the Bloody Dragons then I need to train then." said Soul. "Yep." I say. I look behind us and see that River and Levi are gone. "HEY THEY LEFT ME HANGING!!!I REALLY WANTED TO SEE RIVER SAYING THAT FAIRY TAIL IS NUMBER ONE!!! CAUSE ITS SO TRUE!!!" I yelled frustrated. Everyone starts laughing. I laugh with them.

I guess this school brought me back to how I was before...





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