Chapter 7

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It's 2am am sat in the bathroom with my head over the toilet. This is like the hundredth time in four months.

I finished throwing up and sat with my back against the wall.

"Go back to bed. I probably have a stomach bug or something."

Andy kissed my head before leaving.

I started going over things in my head.

1) I've thrown up for 4 months.
2) I've missed 4 periods.
3) I'm craving mac and cheese all the time."
4) I'm no longer a model size and I can't loose the weight.
5) I've only had unprotected sex once.

I looked around under the sink for pregnancy test. Only one was found. Why he fuck do we have one. Why buys one pregnancy test?

I took the test and waited for the answer.

5 minutes passed slowly but surely. I flipped over the pregnancy test.


My eyes started to water.

I grabbed the test and ran out to Andy who was standing in the living room.

I shoved the test in his chest.

He examined the test.

"Babe this is great." Andy smiled.

"No Andy. I don't want it."

"Hey baby. It's not the end of the world. I'll help you." Andy says.

"I would hope so." I snapped.

"It's ok." Andy says pulling me into a hug and rubbing my back.

"Andy I don't want it. I don't want to push a human the size of a watermelon out of me. It sounds painful."

"It is. But it's ok. I want it. I know you will want it. Come on give it a shot." Andy says.

"Babe now is not a good time to be pregnant. Your going on tour and I'm gonna be alone."

"But your going to Italy, France, and Spain." Andy says.

"I can't. I'll have to cancel. You can't travel while pregnant it's not good for the baby."

"I sure you can do it." Andy says.

"Andy your gonna be gone for 5 months. You'll be here for the last month of the pregnancy."

"Maybe." Andy says.

"Maybe!? Andy you have to be there."

"Ok ok I'll cancel some stuff. Don't worry I'll be there." Andy says.

"Andy I really don't want the baby."

"Baby just try. You'll get to a point where you really want to give up but your too attached to the damn thing you won't give it up." Andy says.

"Your touring and have fly outs so much in the future that your never gonna be home. We're not even married."

"I know and we planed to have the wedding in 2020." Andy says.

"Your gonna date me for 4 years before you marry me. We'll have a 4 year old."

"I know and we'll have a perfect little family. Please baby. I want this kid. If you don't want it still after its born I'll take it. I fully understand. I accedent forced a pregnancy on you. I'll make it work on the end." Andy says begging me to keep it.

"...Andy I don't-"

"Please." Andy whispered.

"Fine." I cried.

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