Chapter 2: School + Me = Hell for Everyone Else

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Previously on Two Worlds, One Me

I took I deep breath and said it again slowly. "I'm. going. to. England. with. Mr.Riley. Im. going. to. study.  I. want. to. try. to. find. my. dad. and. you. are. not. going. to. stop. me. you. dicks." I said nodding my head at the last part.

Now Back To The Story

"Does Mom know about this?" Jamie asked with no emotion.

 "Not exactly" I said coming out of my hiding spot from behind Mr. Riley.


 "Meaning I didn't mention it at all" I said looking down at my feet. I feel a tear roll down my face and fall to the floor. Soon more came. "Please I just want him to know I exist" God I'm making a mess of myself.

"Okay, Okay calm down" I hear Elliot say over my tears. "I don't think it was right to do it behind her back, .....but we will help so you don't get killed."

"Really?" I said looking up at him wiping runny boogers and tears on my sleeve.

"Really?" Jamie and Rider asked in unison.

"Yes" Elliot said sternly.

 "Oh I love you guys" I ran to them and gave them all a big hug. God, mood swings? I must be near my period. 


"Damn bell, it ruined the moment" I said.

 "Oh Hush it monkey, and go to class we'll deal with you going to the the land of tea and crumpets later" Rider said messing up my hair.

"How rude?" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

 "Bye Monkey, see you at home" the boys said heading to class. I turned to Mr. Riley he was still a little shaken.

"Mr. Riley?" I called.

 "Yes? What is it?" He asked hesitantly. I smiled at him and went to hug him but he held me to a halt.

"No way" he stated.

 "Oh please, she'll go easy on me if your there" I pouted on the begging. 'She', my mom has a soft spot for Mr. Riley. And when I say soft spot I really mean a huge crush on him.

 "I'll behave and tell you where I'm going when we're in England" I said.

 "You were planning on going places without me?" He said sadly.

"I'll allow you to come with me only if you help me.....Deal" I said extending my hand. He glared at my hand.

 "Deal" he said defeated.

"Thank you, Love. Oh and watch my stuff my bag is to heavy for me to carry around." I said skipping to my gym class. 


"I'm here" I said in my baby voice.

"Awwww" all the girl said in the locker room. Being the youngest in the group does have it advantage, for example.

"Oh my, I forgot my gym clothes. But I don't want to get in trouble." I said hanging my index finger in my mouth.

 "Oh here I brought my little sisters, just in case" a girl name Larissa gave me.

"Tanks" I said skipping into a bathroom stall to change. 

I know what your thinking, I'm acting to young but the thing is that i look like I'm ten. My boobs haven't grown in yet and a short as fuck. Oop's I said a bad word. And these girls are naivé and they like having a "baby" to help, they have been calling me a baby for as long as I could remember. So that's my reasoning. Don't judge me. Oh god I'm talking to myself again, arn't I? I don't care.

 "Come on Sky, we have to go" I hear Maddie say. Maddison Gold is the only other people besides my family that treat me like I'm a equal, not a little kid that can't cut up it's own food. Maddie or like I like to call her the mad hatter is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. She is fifteen and a freshman like me.

 "Coming Maddie" I say in my baby voice, leaving the stall throwing my clothes in to my locker and trotting over to her.

 "Stop that damn voice, it's annoying" she said as we walked into the gymnasium and sat on the bleachers. I pout and kiss her cheek.

 "Awww, so cute" All the girls mumble to one an other.

"Evil child" she said glaring at me. "Just you wait we're playing dodgeball today."

 I stuck my tongue at her. And ran up to the couch to offer to be a captain. 


"Lunch Time!!!!!!" I shout a I bolt in to the cafeteria. I grab a plate and get in line. I get chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, three brownies, 1 milk and 2 juices (Orange & Apple).  What I'm a growing girl. Once I have everything I go sit with Maddie and my family. Thank god we have the same lunch, I'd have to eat by myself then.

"If you keep eating that much you'll get fat." Maddie said.

 "Whatever" I say as I stuff my face full of food. 

"Soooo" Maddie said as she scooted over next to me. "Did you tell them?" She said staring  at the boys.

 "Hof did youf knod? (How did you know?)" I said with a full mouth of food.

 "They look like they are thinking hard enough to make their brain explode." she states.

 "You know we can here you right?" Rider said glaring at her.

"Wait how did you know? Are you going to England too" Elliot asked.

 "No, I'm staying here. Sky just told me first because I'm more important than you" she smirked.

 "Whatever" Jamie said. Feeling as if she had won the argument Maddie went on with playing with her food. She is more of a eating breakfast skipping lunch and eating dinner person. 

"Didn't your mother ever teach you that you shouldn't play with your food?"  The Barbie doll asked. Rebecca Newland, Queen Bitch of the school.

 "Stuff it cow" I say as food spit out my mouth, a piece landing between the hooters. Muahahahaha. Nailed the evil laugh.

 "Don't be rude to such lovely young lady Sky." Rider said getting up, smiling and kissing the barbie cow on the cheek. So she was the one Rider wanted to ask on a date. I look at Maddie making a gag face. We giggle to one another. Maddie and I are the perfect team, I look like a child and she act like one.


"Ready Mr. Riley" I said hopping in to his car. I decided to ride with him instead of the boy because he want to get there a much as I do. As slow as we possibly can.

"No, I'm not ready. Why do you get me involved in your shenanigans?" He said lying his head on the steering wheel.

"Because you offered now lets get this over with." I say praying my mother is not home.

This chapter was mostly a fill so you can learn more about Skylar and her personality. I promise she will be on the next plane to England by the next chapter.

Love ya, Byeee :) 

Two Worlds,One Me Book 1: The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora