Chapter VIII: Drug

Start from the beginning

"It's your fucking fault!"

Another lightening bolt hit the ground and you were now trapped in a circle of fire with your parents. They continued to chant, each phrase getting louder and louder. Your tears increased as your wails became louder in attempt to drown out the satanic seeming voices. Everything was just loud, painful. You were afraid. You were hurt. She was dead because you were born. You could see her figure that was dancing around your vulnerable body become transparent as she cackled with pleasure. Your pain is their pleasure. Seeing you curled up like that, weak, pathetic, defenseless... It pleased them immensely.

Yaag came forth and grabbed your shoulders tightly. His fingernails dug into your skin as he violently began to shake you, his loud laugh echoing in your ear. You screamed in response and all the sudden the scenery around you faded away into pixels as you opened your eyes.

"{Y/N}! Hey! Wake up!"

Tears were still streaming down your face when you felt strong hands shake you awake. When your eyes opened you saw Vanitas staring at you with concern while Sora was peeking over his shoulder and watching the scene before him. You couldn't help but burst into tears as you wrapped your arms around Vanitas' neck and cried into his shoulder. He was hesitant at first, but eventually he hugged you close to him with his arms around your back. You felt his hand stroke the back of your head as he ran his fingers through your hair.

"It was just a dream {Y/N}. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I'll make sure of that." He cooed in your ear softly. "Me, Sora, Kairi, Axel, Ven, Roxas... All your new friends here. We're going to protect you."

"Yes!" Sora piped in. "We're here for you. The bad people can't hurt you anymore. It was only a dream and it wasn't real. So it's okay!" You felt Sora make a group hug as he hugged you as well.

You couldn't help but giggle at how hyper active Sora still was. You pulled away and the two boys released their grip from you as they both were knelt down on the bed facing you. You wiped the water from your face as you gave them both a warm smile.

"Thank you." You said quietly as you ducked your head.

Sora beamed. "Wow you actually talked to me! That's so cool! Like we heard you talking in your sleep which was also cool but you talked again and that's just so exciting!" Sora bounced on the bed from excitement.

Vanitas rolled his eyes and playfully shoved his brother so he fell onto the bed. Sora giggled as he laid on his back and shoved his bare foot in Vanitas' face, in which he responded by grabbing his leg and dragging the kid to the ground. You chuckled to yourself as Sora kicked his brother while on the floor and Vanitas tackled him.

Vanitas was sitting on top of Sora, having a tight grip on his wrists so Sora couldn't slap him in the face. Sora pouted and tried to squirm away but it didn't work.

"It's Saturday. Let's do something!" Sora suggested eagerly.

"We are doing something." Vanitas commented calmly. "I'm about to kick your ass if you kick me again."

Sora stuck his tongue out at Vanitas before the dark haired boy released his grip on his brother who squirmed away and ran down the stairs to get away. You were chuckling to yourself as you decided to follow the boy to see what he was up to. Vanitas followed your example and was right behind you as you walked down the stairs.

"So what do you wanna do Sora?" Vanitas called as he was walking down the stairs. When there was no response, Vanitas let out a sigh. "Let me get in front he's probably ready to prank me. We don't need a water balloon hitting your face or something."

As you switched positions, you had this feeling down in your stomach that something wasn't quite right. Sora could never be this quiet could he? He was such a hyper active child and just the thought of him staying silent for so long didn't seem right. As Vanitas reached the bottom of the stairs before you, you heard him gasp. You watched a draft blow his hair, in which you increased your speed as you descended down the stairs and hid behind him.

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