Mall (part 2)

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Ella screamed, for the pain was too much to ignore. Melanie turned around, a worried look on her face. "Are you okay?" she asked, taking the bracelet from her friend. Ella closed her eyes to hold back tears.

Ella nodded lightly. She finally opened her eyes. The two dozen people in the store were staring at her, most girls from school. It was very quiet, except for some pop music playing in the background.

"Let's go," whispered Melanie, taking the hand Ella didn't burn. The two left the store and hit the food court. 

Melanie and Ella each ordered a vegetable salad and chocolate shake. They ate at a nice table made of marble at the end of the food court eating area. The two finished in a half hour, throwing their trash away.

"My dad will drive you home with your bike." Ella blushed, remembering that she rode her bike to the mall.

Melanie and Ella walked with Melanie's dad to the car. Ella's shoes scraped against the cement. So did Melanie's.

Stepping inside the car, Ella thanked Melanie. "I've never been to the mall before," she confessed, not realizing she was giving Melanie too much information. "My dad likes to keep me at home. People are dangerous for him." Melanie's dad started to drive out of the parking lot. "Tonight I have a meeting with my pack-" Ella gasped and covered her mouth.

Melanie stared at Ella, her innocent face looking curious. "What pack?" she asked, playing with some red hair. She made her finger go in circles, curling her hair.  

Ella blushed. "Never mind."

The two were quiet all the way home. That is, until Mr. Rook, sitting on the porch, saw Ella get out of a car he didn't know.

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