Chapter Five: Just the Two of Us

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Debbie Vervoort

Tears slowly dripped down my face just as I had ended up the phone call I had. My heart sank, the sadness was growing inside taking the best of me.

I finally did it, I broke up with my boyfriend. All these years of loving him were worthless, it was just until recently that I found out he was cheating on me with a slutbag whore.

It happened just the night before the wedding, I went to his house to surprise him for his birthday only to find him in the bedroom fucking his slut from work. I yelled at him and smashed the gift that I should've given him. God knows what I could've done to them if I didn't stop myself.

My heart ached just by thinking about it, it felt like I was stabbed, stabbed a million time for being much of a fool for letting myself fall too much in love with him.

I loved him so much, yet he did not love me back.

He kept on texting me even before the wedding, apologizing for everything that had happened. My friends weren't wrong, I was indeed crying. What made me never forgive him was that he and that woman did it more than once, doing it behind my back.

My chest tightened from my sobs. I sat on the stone bench outside, feeling the cold breeze brush against my skin and sending shivers down my spine, but I just shook it off. I ignored the people inside the lobby where they were having the time of their lives. I just stayed out there, looking up at the starless sky in deep thought, thinking why things weren't always working out for me.

   It was always the same, it was always me whose heart gets broken, it was always me who gets hurt.

I was unlucky in love.

"Deb?" A man's deep voice spoke up from behind me.

It was Sam.

I gaped and quickly wiped the tears from my eyes before turning around to face him. I fixed my slightly creased golden dress and took a deep breath. "Yeah?" I smiled at him.

   "What are you doing out here?" He stepped outside, "I mean, the party's in there."

   "I just need fresh air, the scented candles in there are too much for my nose." I folded my arms attempting to hide my shivering fingers.

   "You shouldn't stay here where it's cold." He rubbed his hands together.

   "I'm used to it." I looked away and back at the moon.

   "Really?" He raised an eyebrow, "You're shivering."

   "Am not," I scoffed.

   "Here." Sam took off his coat and placed it over my shoulders, giving me warmth.

   "I'm fine." I said, but wrapped the coat around me tighter.

   Sam laughed, "Riiiiight."

   "Thanks." I said.

   "No problem." He said before taking a seat beside me. He let out a sigh as he swung his legs, "So, funny we bump into each other again after all those years."

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