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The sharp pitter-patter of raindrops and the deep insistent rolling of thunder slowly wakes me from my slumber. The rocking of the ship lulls me back into the world of dreamland even though I'm sure its probably long past noon by now.

Everyone deserves a day off right?


I guess I spoke too soon.

The heavy thuds of footsteps ricochets down the halls.

Maybe if I ignore it I could get just a couple more minutes of sl-

"Xiumin! Come back!"

My eyes shoot open at the mention of the name. The events of the previous night suddenly rush back to me.

Me and my crew were flying the Jolly Roger back to the lagoon when, like the act of a mischievous god, a sudden gust of wind blew the boat higher than expected.

The huge flash of light.

The resounding boom that reverberated through every nail and board in the ship.

The boy.

The boy with jet black hair and wide, wide, searching eyes.

It's besides the point that he was buckass nude.

How were we supposed to know that if we flew too high that we'd knock a fucking star out of the sky?

I sigh deeply, begrudgingly uncurling myself from my cozy cocoon of warmth.

The wood groans under my bare feet, as if its protesting my rousing out of bed as much as I am. I quickly grab some nearby leggings to cover my shivering legs, haphazardly lacing up my boots while I clumsily stumble out of my cabin.

I follow the noise of the heavy footsteps, jogging my way downstairs into the main living space on the main deck. I almost topple over as my small uncharacteristically quick-moving best friend rushes past me, holding an armful of fresh towels.

"I should have known it was you making all of this ruckus Kirie. What the hell is going on?" I yawn and stretch my limbs languidly, joints popping and cracking awake.

She spins on her heels, cheeks flushed like apples, "Here take some of these," she huffs while thrusting two towels into my arms. "Xiumin has been playing outside in the puddles for an hour and I don't know how susceptible fallen star boys are to catching the common cold, but I'm gonna go with very."

She nods her head towards the door leading outside, urging me to edge closer to the opening to peek out at the stormy lagoon.

A loud yelp takes me by surprise, making me jump awkwardly in my spot.

Xiumin cartwheels through the lush grass in a clearing of trees near the shore. His extremely oversized shirt, (stolen from) generously donated by Jr., clings to his body, indicating that he must be drenched down to the bone.

"He sure does move pretty light on his feet for a guy who just learned how to walk yesterday," I snort.

His grey hair sticks to his forehead as he throws his head up towards the sky with a goofy smile plastered across his face. He spreads his arms out wide and begins to twirl around with not a care in the world.

Wait a second.

Grey hair?

Hadn't his hair been black last night?

"Kirie his hair," I say breathlessly, waiving her over.

"Shit you're right. Its totally different from yesterday," she mutters while plopping down on the ground to hastily pull on her boots.

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