Fight Off

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Chapter 9 


For the rest of the night, me and Damon just watched another movie and ate all the ice-cream and then went to bed. 

Tuesday Morning 

I decided that today, I would make an appearance at school, so I picked out some pink sweat apnts, a black and white tank top with some black uggs. I grabeed my bag and made my way downstairs.

Before I left, Damon wanted to show me this youtube video: “My Push Up Bra Helped me get my Man”. It was freaking funny! The only down side was that Stefen and Elena were there, talking about some random shit. I don’t even care any more.

I was putting on some lip-gloss when I burst out laughing.

"Look at these crusty crust. I need a litlle lip balm a little lip balm my little little lip balm."

Damon came in laughing 

"When did you get here Damon?" Elena asked, breaking the coversation with Stefen.  

"Since, like, forever.”

"I have died my hair with koolaid to make me look less ghetto more ejected," I said in a ghetto accent. It was to good.

"Hey Elena, can you drive me to school?" I asked.

"Sure, but I have to pick up Jeremy…"

"Ekkk eww, no thank you.................... DAMON!"

"I’m coming! Why cant you just take your own car?"

"Because I’m to lazy to drive, duh!"

At school 

I was in Damon’s car and we were at school. I rolled down his window and shouted, " GET ON YOUR SIDE OF THE ROAD, CAN’T YOU SEE I’M TRYING TO PUT ON MY LIP BALM? SO INCONSIDERITE!" 

I got out of the car.

"Pick up 4 ice-creams, we’re out."

"4?" I smirked 

"2 for me 2 for you."

I was walking backwards and turned around, bumping into somebody. Since I’m so strong, that person fell to the floor.

“Shit, I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed. The person didn’t see who it was, but I did. It was Jeremy. Ew. Soooo not sorry any more!

“It’s okay, it’s just some dirt,” he replied, picking up his scattered belonging and dusting himself off.

Damn, his voice is just so cute and sexy. He was too cute for his own good, and it was making it so hard to stay mad at him! URGH! He she it was me.

“No for being a mega bitch.” He smirked.

“Keep gong.” I playfully smacked him on the arm.

“You are suck a dork!” I smiled and walked to class.

At lunch

I got a chocolate milkshake because I’m cool like that. I was walking to go outside, but then didn’t really feel like sitting with the “Gang” today. Then I heard Elena.

“Ava, watch out!”

Then, all of a sudden, I was on the ground.

‘Nice warning Elena,’ I thought. Notice the sarcasm there.  

I was lying on my back and did one of those things where I jumped back up again. Az was up in my face. Hell to the no. This girl is going to get her boney ass self bitch slapped, that’s all I’m gonna say. 

"Why don’t you get your fake as self out of my face," I gritted out.

Then all the gangs members got up and came to where we were. That kinda pissed me off. I like doing things by my self, you know? But it doesn’t work like that when you’re in a gang. They have your back whether you want them to or not.

I just laughed heartily when she went to punch me. I grabbed her arm and tripped her sorry ass. No need to get a lecture form Stefen. I hated those. The guy really knew how to torture.

“Get lost, I’m not wasting my precious time on you.”

I got another milkshake, since she had totally KILLED my last one. I was paying for it when I heard ooohhhhhhhh’s. I knew I shouldn’t have looked, but my curiosity got the better of me. I turned around and froze.

Az was with Jeremy. Az was KISSING JEREMY!!!! That wasn’t the bad thing. It was the fact that Jeremy was kissing her back, and enjoying it, by the looks of it. That just made me angrier. All I could think about wa Katherine, and it didn’t help that Elena was in the room. I got my milkshke. She turned around and smiled and astarted walking by me to the exit.

"Hey Az ."

She turned around and smirked. 

"Go ahead and make out with him, I really don’t give a shit. Have sex with them, have fun, WHATEVER!”

She just stood there and slowly turned around.

“Oh, and also?” I began, smiling. She turned to face me.

I punched her right in the nose, and it felt so fucking good. I prayed to God that I had used enough force to break something. My smile widened when I heard a SNAP! I smirked at her, then went to stand on a table. Then I yelled, “EVERYBODY WATCH MY PUSH UP BRA HELPS ME GET MY MAN! FUNNIEST. SHIT. EVER!"

Then I went over to Jeremy, smiled at him sweetly, then proceeded to pour my whole milkshake onto his head. It was a waste, but totally worth it. 

"Don’t worry,” I said in my sweetest voice when he just stared at me in horror. “I’m sure Az would gladly lick it up for you."

Then I walked out, close to tears, but stopped when I heard someone following me. It was Stefen.

"You were going to ask me if someone was the one weren’t you?"


He didn’t looked convinced. 

"I was distracting you. Why would I ever tell you something like that after what you did to me?"

"Ava," he whispered, the hurt clear on his face. But I didn’t care. I just needed to get out of there.

I started walking back to the house. No one was there, thankfully. I couldn’t stand other people’s pity. I hated it. I grabbed my suit case and started throwing everything into it. I grabbed my spell books and shoved them in, along with an old piece of paper-the ritual for getting your full powers. I knew a way to kill Klaus.

I know where I’m going.

I don’t know how long it will take.

But I did know one thing, on the plane that was now flying away from Mystic Falls.

I was going to kill Klaus.

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