Stefen has cell time

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 Chapter 8

Stefen has cell time 

Ava POV 

The doorbell rang. Sighing, I went and answered it. When I saw who it was, I sighed again. As if my day weren’t bad enough already. It was Elena.

“What do you want?” I asked rudely.

“There was an animal attack,” she replied, just as curt. “Damon promised me he wouldn’t start this again! Where the hell is he?”

I snorted, leaning against the doorframe. “Right, like this is Damon’s fault.”

Elena paused. “If it wasn’t Damon, then who was it?” she asked, confused.

“Why don’t you ask your sweet little boyfriend Stefan?” I snapped, already tired of her. “But since he’s not taking visitors at the moment, I suggest you take a hike.”

I went to slam the door in her face, but she jammed her foot in the door before I could. She winced at the pain, but didn’t comment.

“No,” she said. “Not until I know what’s going on.

“Elena,” I growled. “Go. Home. I’m not in the bloody mood for your antics! Go before I make you.”

She smiled smugly. “You won’t hurt me. Stefan would never forgive you.”

My eyes narrowed. “Is that a threat?”

She paused. “If it has to be.”

“Really? Well, here’s a threat to you. You should have taken a hike when I told you to, because now I am even more pissed than I was before.” With a cruel smirk, I flicked my wrist. All of the windows and doors suddenly slammed shut. Almost immediately, Elena began banging on the door and twisting the knob.

“I cast a spell, no one can get in or out,” I sang cheerfully. “Now GET LOST!”

Elena continued to bang on the door, so I left her there and went into the living room. I turned on the TV, but then switched it off as Damon came in and flopped down next to me.

“Why are you a witch? Why not me? Why not Stefan?” he asked.

“I don’t know.” The lie came out easily, almost immediately. There was abrely even a pause. But that slight pause was enough to make Damon suspicious. He wasn’t sure if I was lying or not.

I knew the truth. In my mom’s family tree, the girls become witches, and really powerful witches at that. But to access the bounty of your power you have to stab yourself in the heart with a dagger dipped in white ash. But not everyone made it through the transition. Only the strong ones survived. If you didn’t make it through transition…you were dead. I haven’t tried it.

“You’re lying,” he said casually. He looked at me when he said it, taking in the stubborn look in my eyes, and the determined set of my jaw. He sighed a deep, rumbling sigh, heaving himself up and over to the liquor cabinet. He cursed.

“We’re out,” he said, his face depressed. He looked like it was the end of the world.

He tried to leave out the kitchen door, as Elena was still outside the front one, although she had ceased banging, but of course couldn’t because of my spell.

“I can’t get out,” he stated, annoyed.

“You don’t say,” I said sarcastically. “You can only leave when Stefan gets better.”

With that, I got up and went downstairs to check on Stefan. I had some animal blood in a large water bottle, don’t even ask me how I got it. Stefan sat hunched on the chair that Damon had tied him to. He was just staring off into space, a sad, disgusted look in his eyes.

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