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Since mom and dad won't let me have an Instagram account, I'm making one secretly. Not like a personal page, but for my favorite show, The Walking Dead.

First, I type in my phone number, since I recently got a phone.

Now, you'll be thinking that mom and dad would check my phone to see if I'm not doing anything inappropriate, but I'll delete the app when they try to check it.

I finish all the personal stuff for the account and it's time to make a username.

@/Wxlkingdexd, sounds pretty cool. I'm pretty sure kids at school have trendy usernames like that. My friends had showed me what the dumb kids at school were doing.

As the door opens, I quickly turn off my phone and stuff it underneath my covers.

"Avia, is everything okay?" Mom asks suspiciously.
"Perfect!" I said as mom gives me a suspicious stare.
"I trust you. Anyways, dinners ready." She announced. I followed her out of the room as I think about my new account being made.

I think about all the edits I will make and the cool edits I'll see from other fan pages.

I sit down at the dinner table, pray,
and then finally eat. As my family goes around the dinner table saying what was our favorite part of the day, I start thinking about fan page again!

"So Avia how was your day?" Dad asks as shoving spaghetti in his mouth.
"Fan-" I quickly cut myself off, because I realize that I was about to say 'fandom'.
"Oh, it was great." I cover up. They shrug and my family carries on with their boring conversations.

I quickly put my dish away and run back to my room and start looking up other Walking Dead pages.

How do people make edits like this? I've seen edits the shaytards fandom has made in the past, but, I've never seen edits like this. They're edits are very professional.

But, I come across this account that stands out to me.


She's very active with her followers by playing games and responding to comments, and her edits are amazing!

I immediately like all of her posts and then start to watch YouTube.

It's now about ten o'clock and my phone vibrates and a Instagram notification pops up.

@/walkingdea.dd: hey thanks for liking my posts!

I immediately smile and start to reply.

@/Wxlkingdexd: np! ur edits are amazing! I also just joined the fandom so I decided to stalk people LMAOO:)

@/walkingdea.dd: lol! btw I'm Bexley! and welcome to the fandom!

@/wxlkingdead: I'm Avia! and I love how ur so active with ur followers:)) most people aren't like that

@/walkingdea.dd: aw thanks! I try to stay active bc a lot of people just have their group of friends and don't care about anyone else. but, I try to make friends with everyone, like the newbs, like u!


@/walkingdea.dd: YAAAAS! also, since ur a newb, I'll teach u how to make edits!

@/Wxlkingdead: thanks! can we start now????


As my night goes on, Bexley and I grow really close! She gave me a shout out, and I made bomb edits!

@/walkingdea.dd: alright aves, I gotta go, I'm mad tired and it's 1am  in California and I got a test to study for and a lot of hw..

@/wxlkingdead: sameeeeeee! but I'll just lie to my parents and say that I did my hw, but I'll actually do it on the bus later!

@/walkingdea.dd: lol I just might do that! bye:(

@/wxlkingdead: byeee ily!
Wow I can't believe I made a new friend today, meanwhile I just joined this fandom! This is going to be epic!

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this story and if you have ideas please leave them down below! Ily guys!- Kiki✌🏻️

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