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I can't believe her, I really can't. I've been put through lies my whole life and now one of my best friends is lying to me. I talk to my friends so they can help me escape my not-so-perfect life, and she screws it all up. First my parents, and now my best friend?


"I can't believe you Jack! First you slept with other women, and now you're wasted everyday when the kids and I come home?" My mother yells. I lean closer to the door with my younger brother. I hold him close while tears quickly fall from his bright blue eyes.

"Shut up bitch!" A loud shattering noise comes out of nowhere.

"That's it! We're through!" My mother yells.

"Baby, we can make this work! Come here!"

"Get your filthy hands off of me! I'm taking the kids and- and, leaving you!" She yells.

I start breathing heavily and strait crying along with Brandon.

He shouldn't having this go on in his life.

Hell, I shouldn't be having this going on. I'm thirteen and Brandon's nine.

"Pack up your stuff, we're leaving your father for good now." Mom says as she barges into the room.

Mom leaves the room and dad waddles in.

"Braddy, don't leave daddy now, come on now, we have to work on your football skills." God, I can smell his breath from here.

"Boy, don't give me the silent treatment, have some r-respect." He stutters.

"Dad, go away, you messed up. Nobody likes you." My fathers face grows an angry expression.

"Shut the fuck up before I beat your ass." My father says angrily.

"No, why should I suffer from your mistakes. You hooked up with nineteen and twenty year olds, when you have two kids and are happily married." I confess.

Dad approaches me and slaps me right across the face. I rub my face and start to cry.

"Don't fucking do that to her!" Brandon runs up near my dad and punches him right in the jaw.

My dad takes Brandon and chucks him into the bunkbeds. Mom comes running into the room and grabs Brandon and I and drags out into the car.

"Yes, Bex?"
"Where are we going?"
"Far far away, and when I mean far far away, I mean to grandmas and grandpas."

I pull out my phone and start texting Avia.

@/walkingdea.dd: aves? I need help

@/Wxlkingdead: what's wrong bex

@/walkingdea.dd: we left my dad and he just abused Brandon and I .

We continued to talk and I feel somewhat better. We arrive at grandmas and I watch my mom and brother head into the house.

"Coming in?" Mom asks.
"Give me a minute." I reply. She heads into the house and leaves the door open enough for me to come in.

I stare into the stars and start to think back on the memories that we had together as a family.

Family movie nights.
Having dad let us stay up late at night when mom is having a ladies night.
Family vacations.

All gone.

Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'm really excited that I finally revealed to you us more about Bexleys backstory! Byeee- Kiki✌🏻️

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