Chapter 27.

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I stood up from the table, excusing myself to the bathroom. Once inside I splashed some cold water on my face, not caring if it messed up my makeup.

I knew Harry had to be hiding something. He was too good to be true. I didn't understand why he didn't tell me he'd been engaged before. I would have understood.

The door squeezed open and I moved to lean against the wall so I wouldn't be in the way. To my surprise, it was was Harry who walked in, apparently not caring that it was the women's bathroom.

"Jess, let me explain." He said, closing the distance between us.

"Why didn't you tell me you were engaged before?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Let's just go back to my place. We'll have brunch with my mum another time." Harry said, pulling me into a hug.

I leaned into him despite the confusion and anger I felt towards him. "I don't want to ruin your time with her. You haven't seen her in a long time."

"No, it's okay. Let's go."

I nodded and followed him through the maze of tables. We stopped next to where Anne and Laura still sat. They looked unbothered and happy, like I hadn't just got a big bombshell dropped on me. Harry excused us and we caught a taxi back to his house, the car ride silent and awkward.

Harry pulled me into his bedroom as soon as we got inside and started taking his clothes off.

"Harry, this isn't the time for sex." I said, as much as I loved sex with him. "I need some answers."

"Please," Harry said, "please, I need you right now and then I promise to give you answers. Anything you want to know."

I'd never seen Harry like this before. He acted frantic and full of anger or some other intense emotion. I had began to worry about him. His dark green eyes burned into me, waiting, begging.

"Okay, but I'm holding you to those answers after this."

Harry was naked and up against me in seconds, pulling my clothes off and tossing them to the floor. He pulled me to his bed and climbed on top of me. He kissed across my collarbone and licked up my neck until his lips fell against mine, moving quick and hard.

"Harry," I tipped my head back as he slid inside me.

Despite what I felt towards him, I couldn't deny our physical chemistry. Our sex was always amazing but this was beating it all. Somehow it felt better than ever before. He pushed deeper, kissed harder, and moved his body in a way I'd never experienced before. His eyes were squeezed shut as he thrusted, his facial expression tense.

I ran my hand down the surface of his cheek, trying to calm him. He opened his eyes then but he was still tense.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, moving my hips up to meet his.

"I thought I'd never see her again." Harry answered between gasps.

I still wasn't understanding. His answer just brought on more questions. Harry's movements were becoming more jerky and intense, and we'd done this enough times for me to know he was getting close. The muscles in my stomach were tightening and I was having a hard time concentrating on anything else besides from Harry's body on mine.


"Fück," he moaned, covering his mouth with mine as he hit his climax.

It was very unusual for him to finish first. What was really going on with him? He kept thrusting until I couldn't even think straight. I hit my climax on his last thrust and he pulled out, rolling off my body to lay beside me.

"Harry, what's really going on here?" I asked when I finally caught my breath.

Harry pulled the blanket up around us and pulled me against his side. "It's a long story, really."

"I've got time." I replied.

"Laura is the daughter of my mum's closest friend, Camille. Her and my mum introduced Laura and I and wanted us to be together. They thought it would be so much fun if their kids got married. They didn't even give thought to my feelings or Laura's. I didn't like the idea at first of my mom setting me up with a girl but as I was around Laura more and more, I didn't mind it. Laura was a nice girl so we started dating soon after. We dated for maybe two years."

My heart busted a little bit inside. He'd not told me about a two year relationship he had. Not that' I'd asked or that I needed to know every little detail about his life but it still made me feel uneasy that he held this stuff from me.

"Wow," I said, pressing my lips into a flatline.

"Let me finish." Harry said. "Laura and I got quite close but somehow she wasn't the one for me. I ended up proposing to her because I knew how much she loved me and how much our parents wanted us to be together. I thought if I tried a little harder, I could learn to love her as much as she loved me. The closer it got to the wedding, I knew I couldn't go through with it. It wouldn't be fair to her to have a man that wasn't in 100%. After I called off the wedding, it was hard for me. My mum wouldn't speak to me for months. I don't like to talk about it much, it brings back rough memories."

I felt bad now. "I'm sorry for overreacting. I'm really sorry."

Harry shook his head. "You don't need to apologize. My mum shouldn't have invited Laura to dinner. I'm so angry at her for it but I don't want to lose her again. I was kind of a wreck when she stopped talking to me. I thought I'd lost her for life."

"Why did she invite her, anyways?" I asked.

"Maybe she still hopes that Laura and I can work things out." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Laura is beautiful."

"But she's not you," Harry said. "And you don't have anything to worry about. You're my girl and no one can change that."

I smiled. Harry's words warmed my heart and I tilted my face up for a kiss. He seemed so much better than he had before. His usual light tone of conversation was back and his eyes light green and bright.

Harry pulled on his boxers and I put on my underwear and his T-shirt. We made our way into the kitchen to make something to eat when we heard a hard knock at the door.

"Harry, were coming in." Anne said, and the door creaked open.

(((Thanks again for all the reads!! If you like this story so far... Please vote, comment.. And maybe spread the word. Follow me on Twitter if you like : @ SelfieStyles )))

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