Chapter 6

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            “Congratulations guys! We are officially finished shooting the pilot episode!” Peter says to us as we closed our last day of filming the pilot episode. We all cheer and clap for ourselves and Bradley comes out with two bottles of champagne and one bottle of sparkling apple juice. Teri and I were standing next to each other; our arms wrapped around each other’s waists. “Now, this went really well, but of course we have to wait and see if ABC Family wants to actually pick the show up!” As Peter talks to us we all stand around and listen. Teri pinches my side and makes me giggle. I try to stay quiet and hide my smile. She does it again so I do it back to her, and she isn’t very good at staying quiet. She lets out a squeal and we both giggle but no one really notices. “So you won’t be coming in next week. We will be editing and making the episode all shiny and perfect, and then we wait until next Thursday to here if they want to do the show! So stick around for some champagne, or sparkling apple juice for our under-agers, and let’s hope for the best!”

            “Do you want a glass of champagne, my love?” Teri asks me.

            “Yeah that’d be great!” Teri winks and goes over to get us a couple of glasses. It had been two days since Teri and I openly told each other we had feelings for each other, and it had been the best two days of my life. Filming went a lot smoother, and our chemistry really came out on screen. In between shots Teri would sneak in little kisses here and there, and everyone just thought it was the chemistry. We flirted on set, and then after shooting we went outside to our normal spot in between our cars and did our usual kissing marathon. I felt like a teenager again. Teri came back over with our drinks.

            “So, I was thinking this weekend you could come over and we would have the entire house to ourselves. Griffin and Bayley are going to their grandmother’s house with Jamie for the weekend; she lives on a really nice vineyard. So I’ll have the house to myself. What do you think?” She passes me my drink. I take a sip before answering.

            “I don’t know. Kamar has been wanting to spend some time with me since I’ve hardly seen him this week.” I said, wishing I could spend the weekend with her.

            “Awh, come on,” she gets closer to me and whispers into my ear, “I thought we could sit by the fire, have some wine; I can cook you dinner; we can do some…other stuff,” she backs away and gives me a “you know you want to” kind of look.

            “It sounds very tempting…” as I pretend to ponder if I want to or not, she gives me a puppy dog look and makes kissy faces at me. Just when I was going to answer, Bradley comes over to us.

            “Hello, ladies!” he says.

            “Hello!” Teri and I say simultaneously.

            “I am proud of you two. So, so proud. Your chemistry on set is just mind blowing! It’s almost as if you two are actually together. Is there something you aren’t telling me?” We both just stood there and stared at him. Did he know??

            “Oh boy, I wish! I’d have to get through her husband first, right?” Teri broke the silence. We all laughed.

            “Well keep it up! I’m positive they’ll pick the show up JUST for you two being so damn cute!” He winks at us and walks away. Teri turns to me.

            “You can’t freeze up every time someone make a joke about us.”

            “I know, I know. It was just so sudden and I started thinking about us and I thought maybe we had made it obvious or something, and-“

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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