"What did she want, if you don't mind me asking." She asked out of breath. 
"Oh, she wanted me to go to dinner tonight, because this girl she wants me to be with is coming over, too." I explained. 
"Oh, sounds.. exciting." I could literally see her faking a smile. 
"Oh yes, talking about politics, drinking expensive wine and having meals that couldn't even fill a child. Awesomeee." I said ironiclly. 

"When's the dinner?" Millie asked. 
"At seven normally, why?" I asked confused. 
"And when does the party start?" I could literally see her brain working out a plan, but I couldn't find out about what. 
"Not before ten, I guess. Why are you asking?" I was now really confused. 

"How about suprising your mommy? We could go together, make her uncomfortable and get her a bit embarrassed and then we get shitfaced at the party?" 

Oh my god. She would kill me, but on the other hand, I don't really care. 
She doesn't pay for my apartment neither for my college tutotion, so she can't really do anything about it. 

"Come on Harry, don't be a chicken." she laughed. 

But before she could finish the sentence, I called my mom again. 

"Harry, have you changed your mind?" She tried to sound friendly. 
"You know, yes. I'm coming over and please put an extra plate, I'll be bringing someone." I shot. 
"If you want me to come, then just agree." I added. 

She thought about it. 

"Be here at seven." she said and then the line went dead. 

"Oh my god, we're really doing this." Millie whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "How mad am I allowed to make her?" She asked then. 
"Until her fucking head explodes." I laughed. 
"Awesome, this is going to be fun." She said. 

"Okay, be ready at 6.45, I'm going to get you then." I informed her. 
"Alright, what should I wear? Probably something classy, right?" She asked.
"If you want to make me happy and her mad, something that shows some skin." I shot back. 
"Fucking yes, I'm so excited, going to get ready then, see you later Harold." 

"Fuck you, Millie." I laughed and then went back inside. 

It was 5.34pm, so I had enough time to flop back on the couch and watch some TV, to pass the time. 
I know it's a dick move from me, to do that to my own mother, but I just liked getting on her nerves. 

She always wanted me to be, the perfect son. Perfect grades, perfect job, perfect manners and all that shit. But I was never one to please someone. I always broke their rules, brought girls home, took drugs, drank alcohol and got tattoed. I guess, that's what you get for always bringing your own son down and making him think he's worthless and won't achieve anything. 

I am not overreacting, she always did stuff like that. 
I still remember when I was younger and I wanted to be a cook, so I tried many receipts and always cooked stuff in the kitchen. She always told me my food was horrible and not even a dog would eat it. My dad had a bit more of a heart. I remember him getting angry at her that time, she told me I will never be a lawyer, because I'm, I quote 'too stupid to even remember doing my homework, so how will I ever learn the things a lawyer need to know'. I know, I had many wishes and dreams, but every child does have dreams and goals they want to accomplish, but she never believed in me. 

I doesn't even make sense, because she wanted me to be succesful, but she never believed in me. If that was her way to make me try harder and work for my goals, she wasn't succesful, because that's why I always quit doing something. 
I mean, to be fair, I was a fucking child. I needed some comforting words, but she never told me that I could achieve something, so I never did. 
But that made me who I am today and I love my life. I have lots of friends, a good job that pays me stuff, I love what I'm doing at college and this is who I want to be, so I kind of thank her, too. 

I picked my phone up and looked at the clock, 6.32pm. 

"FUCK." I jumped off the couch and ran into the bathroom, took a quick shower and ran naked with a towel in my hand in my room and fastly dried myself off. 
I put on some boxershorts, a black skinny jeans with holes in them, a white shirt, just so everyone could see my tattoos and pulled an hoodie out of my closet.
I fastly blow dried my hair and put some sneakers on.

Then I grabbed my keys, wallet and my phone and ran the stairs down.
I knocked on Millies door and she opened a few seconds later. 

She smiled prouldy and I examined her outfit. 
She wore a blue skinny jeans, that were completely ripped on her whole knee and a black crop top, which showed her stomach and her belly button ring. 
She topped it with a big necklace and a white cardigan. 

"You look fucking hot." I breathed out without thinking. 
"Well, thank you, you don't look bad yourself." She laughed. 

I was glad that we got along pretty well, she wasn't rude that many times anymore and we actually could talk. I really started to like her. 

"Still think it's a good idea?" She asked. 
"The best idea someone's ever had." I smirked down at her. 
"We even piss her off at this very moment, because we will be late and she already knows." I laughed. 

"Fuck, then let's go and drive some mother's insane." She clapped her hands and closed the door. 

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