He nodded at Robin before walking back into her room.

"You had a daughter?" Robin asked.

Robin didn't think it was true with all of the pictures she posted on Instagram of her stomach.

She was hoping Kaya would realize how much of a mistake she was making and abort the bastard, but it was not obviously too late.

Too bad that wouldn't stop her plan to get rid of August.

She didn't have a problem with playing step mommy.

"Yes. I had her last year when August was still in a coma." I said.

"Oh. He really missed his daughters birth huh?" Robin asked smirking on the inside.

"Yeah but, it wasn't really his fault." I shrugged.

"Yes it was if he hadn't of hurt you in the first place and if you chose me instead of him, you wouldn't of had that bastard from him." Which is what Robin really wanted to say.

"You're right." Robin said. "But I'm gonna go." She said picking up her Nike windbreaker.

"Alright." I said walking her to the door.

"You still have my number right?" Robin asked.

"Actually- no." I said sighing.

"I'll just text you, same number?" She asked.

I nodded and I opened the door for her. "It was good seeing you."



"August I really need to go to the doctor." Kaya said as she laid in our bed.

Her face was buried into the pillows and Aubrey was laying on her back.

"What's wrong love?" I asked rubbing her shoulder.

"I just haven't been feeling good." Kaya said.

"Why would you need ta go ta da docta when you already one?" I asked confused.

"I'm a certain type of Doctor." She giggled. "I don't know everything."

"Well you need ta go buy a pregnancy test since I been-

"You what!?" Kaya said sitting up.

Aubrey rolled over to me and climbed on my lap, mugging Kaya.

"Mommy sorry baby." Kaya said kissing her face.

I laughed because Aubrey truly did look like a nigga. She had the same mean mug as me.

"Lookin just like your daddy." Kaya joked.

Aubrey giggled. "Da." She said before turning to me.

"Yeah baybeh'?"

"Juice." She said pointing to her cup.

Since I got back I was determined to make Aubrey said "Daddy" or any word.

It was hard learning that Aubrey has selective mutism and hates being around other people besides me, Kaya, and mostly my side of my family.

She loves Kyle and that nigga spoil her every time he come over here.

"I'm not pregnant August." Kaya said bringing me out by thoughts.

"Yes you is." I shrugged. "You havin all ma seeds."

Kaya smiled. "I'm not ready for another baby right now."

Here she go.

The doorbell went off and a beat started being made on the door.

I got up, knowing it was either Kyle or Mel. Probably both.

"Fuck you doin hea?" I asked Kyle.

He playfully pushed me out the way before making his way to the kitchen. "Move yo skinny ass out the way."

"Nigga you skinny too."

"Yeah but I'm slim thick." He joked.

I chuckled and Kaya came downstairs.

"Kyle you have your own place and money to make and buy food." She said coming into the kitchen.

"Shutup. Where ma stink?" Kyle asked shoving a fist full of chips in his mouth.

"Sleep, finally." She answered.

"Damn. I got her some-

"Nigga I'm ha daddy." I said.

Kyle mugged me. "Dats why she said uncle Kyle first and not daddy." He joked.

"Fuck yo ug- gimme ma chips." I said snatching the bag from him.

"August look!" Kaya yelled from the living room.

I quickly walked to the living room and stood behind her.

She was watching the news. "Isn't that the hoe from the club?"

I looked at the screen and it definitely was Jessica.

She was being thrown into a police car.

"22-year-old, Jessica Alio, has just been arrested for being apart of the murder of Maceon Ray, a 25-year-old drug cartel leader." The anchor said as the live video of Jessica was being played on the tv.

I looked at Kaya as she dropped the remote on the ground and passed out.

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