Chapter 13

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Nathan's P.O.V
  I look Blair up and down and see shes holding some preppy assholes hand. She has a fucking boyfriend? No way that's not Blair. I look at the dick holding my girls hand. Oh hell no! I take a look at her and see the look in her eyes . Part dislike part deer caught in the head lights. What the hell is the dislike for? She just looks at me and then the buzzer goes off and the dickhead holding her hand leads her away. Nope not gonna happen boy she's my girl and I'm willing to fight you on it. I follow the guys and listen as they make a strategy. " okay so we are gonna sneak attack them." Gavin says. " alright." Everyone agrees. They go through the details and I zone out looking for Blair. What If they are kissing right now? He is still holding her hand probably. Fire burns through me and I could punch him. Stupid fucking idiot touching my girl. I break off from the group and lift my gun ready for anything. I dodge between the obstacles and run towards the direction Blair and the boy went. I pause and stay quiet when I hear voices. " I'm a little worried about this." I hear Blair say. I move closer an see Blair huddled close to the dip shit. He laughs. "Don't worry babe." He says.  Did I hear that right? Did he fucking just call my girl babe? Hell no mother fucker! I point my paint ball gun and aim right for him. I swat down and release my finger from the trigger. Bang,bang,bang. I release three neon colored paint balls in the guys direction. I look long enough to see all three of them hit him and duck down. I laugh to myself. Hell yeah take that you dick! I say under my breath. I start to get up and run back towards the group when I look up and see Blair standing above me. She aims her gun and I don't have enough time to cover myself before she releases her paint balls and they all hit me directly on my chest.I sit there in shock as she dances around and laughs in my face. She skips away after she gives me a dirty look. The loud voice over the intercom calls out round two! Well if Blair wants to play this way we can and I never lose.  I go back to the guys and listen to there game plan. It turns out Blair survived all their shots and her and the dick are the last team standing against us.  We plan on using  all three of us against the both of them and they are saving Blair for me. This is going to be the most epic battle and the best thing is I'm going to be the one that wins. Blair just doesn't know I'm going to win and embarrass her and that stupid guy. Let the game begin. Watch out Blair the prize might be your heart. I laugh to myself.
                      **** thanks so much for reading**** comment and vote guys. Much love ~chas~

 (Completed) Half of something else book #1 in the half series.Where stories live. Discover now