Healing A Narcissist's Broken Heart

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Eric Giordanio is the hottest male model in the world. Not only is he drop-dead gorgeous, he's also THE bachelor both men and women want to catch by the balls. He has everything and needs nothing. Well, not really 'nothing'. All he ever craved for was the heart of his childhood best friend, Riley Lancaster. But it was a route doomed to fail. So, what's a man to do? Well, he works his ass off until he collapses. Duh

~Enter Jordan McEvanaugh, a male nurse hoping to finish med-school and become a neuro-surgeon in the city's largest hospital. Jordan is hired to work as Eric's personal attendant after he worked himself to exhaustion, contracted to care for Eric 24/7. He's not the most handsome guy out there. Hell, he was the most normal-looking man Eric had ever seen. He also wasn't the type that was the 'handsome guy hidden under a mask of ugly, then magically turns into a beautiful swan'. No, no, no, no. He was plain as the sky was blue.However, Eric couldn't help but be enticed by this man who was the complete opposite of him. With silver-grey eyes, his gaze is piercing and cold that it screams 'not interested'. Was life just messing with him? Maybe, maybe not. Being treated like he had the deathly plague or he had the worst body odor on the planet was not his idea of being wooed, yet he unmistakably falls for it. Diving head first into unfamiliar waters, he tries to reel in the indifferent attendant and, at the same time, face criticisms from people he thought were desperate for him. With all this going on, Eric starts to believe that maybe he really wasn't THE perfect man he thought he was.


Author: @yaoiChibi


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