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I paced around the Mancave worried to death about Henry and Ray, who were taking loner than usual to get back from their case. Finally, I heard the tubes. Henry came down first and looked up the tube that Ray should have come down. "Henry what's wrong?" I asked. He waved for me to come over. "C'mere and get ready to catch." He said. I walked over and he tapped his belt. "Down the tube!" He called and Ray flew down. Henry and I caught him and then Henry yelled for Shwoz. "What happened?" He asked. "He got hit with a Dreambeam!" Henry said. Shwoz brought out a gurney looking bed and had us lay Ray on it. "W-what, what does that mean?" I asked. "It means Ray is trapped in his dreamscape." Shwoz said. "Ok... How do we wake him up?" I asked. I saw Henry and Shwoz glance at each other and grew worried. "Guys.... How do we wake up Ray?" I asked. "We... We have to know if we can first." Henry said. "Ok, someone give me an actual damn answer right now or I swear to God I will-" Shwoz cut off my rant by explaining. "It depends how deep into dream he is. I am scanning his brain waves now." He said. I nodded. "Sorry for yelling." I said. Henry touched my arm, "You're worried. We get it." He said. He chewed a piece of gum and changed back into Henry Hart. It was about 15 minutes later when Shwoz told us the news. "He is not too far in, but we need to wake him up quickly or else he could slip into a coma." He said. "So how does that work?" I asked. "Someone will have to go in to his dream and make him wake up from there." Shwoz told us. I nodded. "I'll do it." I said. "Are you sure?" Henry asked. "Yes. I wanna help. We have to help him." I said. Shwoz brought out a table like the one Ray was laying on and hooked some things to me when I laid down on it. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah. Send me in." I said. He and Henry lowered a big orange dome like thing over my head and suddenly I was falling. When I landed, I was in Junk-N-Stuff. For a second I was confused, then I saw Ray standing behind the counter. He turned to me and smiled. "Hey Asa." He said. "H-hey." I said. "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head and hugged him. "No. It's fine." I said. He hugged me and kissed my head before going back to the counter. I had no clue what to do, but Henry and Shwoz told me making him laugh might help wake him up. So I told a joke. "Hey Ray?" I asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "What does a nosey pepper do?" I asked. He looked confused before he realized I was telling a joke. "Oh god. Um... What?" He asked. I tried not to laugh as I told him the answer. "It gets jalapeno business!" I said, dying from laughter. Ray chuckled a little but wasn't laughing as hard as I was. Suddenly I felt myself falling and I was back in the Mancave. Henry and Shwoz both looked at me, clearly done from my joke telling. "Since my jokes aren't working, is there any other way to wake him up?" I asked. They nodded. "Yes. But you will not like it." Shwoz said. "Why?" I asked. "You'll have to hurt him." Henry said. I sighed. "But I don't-" "I know you don't. But if we don't wake him up soon, he could slip into a coma and not wake up for even longer." Henry said. "He is right. If Ray slips into a coma, then it will be entirely up to Ray to wake up. We will not be able to help wake him." Shwoz said. I sighed and nodded, then laid back down on the table. "Alright. Send me back." I said. "Wait, take this." Henry said, pulling Ray's watch off of his wrist and putting it on mine. "I've got mine on so this way we'll be able to communicate with each other." He said. I nodded and they put the orange thing over me again. Then I was back in Ray's dreamscape. This time though, we were in my house (before the fire) in the kitchen. I saw that Ray had laid the banana he was eating on the counter and I took the peeling off. Cheesy, I know, but I had to try something. I tossed the peel on the floor and soon after, Ray slipped on it. "Ow!" He yelled. I rushed over and knelt beside him. "Are you ok?" I asked. He groaned, but then pulled himself up. "I'm ok." He said. Usually, I loved when he said that. But now it wasn't so great. I heard the watch beep and rushed outside before Ray could ask about it. I opened it and saw Henry. "Really? A banana peel?" He asked. I sighed. "Henry, bring me back. We need to work out an actual plan." I said. Henry nodded and hung up, then I was falling, once again, back into the Mancave. "Ok. So obviously what I've been doing isn't working. What else can we do?" I asked. Shwoz and Henry shared a worried look. "You need to hurt him." Henry said. "Henry, I literally just tried that. Ray's indestructible! How am I supposed to hurt him?" I asked. Shwoz stepped over and looked sadly up at me. "You need to hurt him somewhere not as indestructible." He said. I didn't understand at first, but then I caught on. "No. No. I won't do that. I can't do that." I said. They wanted me to hurt him emotionally, instead of physically. "If you do not, he will not wake up. He is slipping closer and closer to a coma as we speak. Now, do you want to try this and hope it works? Or do you would you like to see Ray like this every day you're here?" He asked. I felt tears fall down my cheeks and my lip quivered. Shwoz was right, I had to do this. I wiped my eyes and nodded. "Ok. Ok fine. Let's just... Get this over with." I said. They put the thing down and I was falling (for what I hoped was the last time) into Ray's dream. We were in the Mancave this time and Ray was coming down a tube. "Hey, Asa." He said. "Hey." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. I sniffed and wondered how the hell I was about to make it through this. "Um... So... You know that I would never want to hurt you. Right?" I asked. He nodded. "Alyssa, what's the matter?" He asked. "I can't do this." I said, the tears falling again. "D-do what? Alyssa, what are you doing?" He asked. "Ray, I... I can't be with you anymore." I said. The look in his eyes made me want to die, but I had to wake him up. "Every time I walk outside,  I'm surrounded by people asking about Captain Man. We can't ever have any time with each other because you're always gone. I'm constantly worried about you and I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry but... It's over." I said. He walked down the stairs to me and kissed me hard on my lips. "Please Alyssa. Please don't say that! We can work through this like we always do. Please!" He said, and I saw tears run down his face. I backed up, but he took that step with me. "Ray please-" "No." He said. I backed up again and he took that same step, but fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around my hips. I felt him sobbing against me. "Alyssa... Please. I need you. Don't leave me." He said. I was holding back my sobs the best I could, but I knew if I didn't get through this that Ray would be in big trouble. "Ray, let me go." I said. He shook his head and let out a cry that tore through me. I've never seen Ray like this, and I hoped I never had to again. "Alyssa please... I love you." He said. What I said next killed me. "Well... I don't love you." I said, unwrapping his arms from me. He didn't move, didn't say anything, didn't even look up. He just sat there on his knees. I felt that pull again and before I knew it, I was back in the real world Mancave. I couldn't hold back anymore. I started to cry harder than I think I've ever cried in my life. Henry was by my side hugging me and trying to calm me down a little, and it kind of worked. I was just calming down when Ray started to move around and yell like he was having a nightmare. Then, with a louder yell, he woke up. I rushed to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I've got you. Ray, you're ok. You're ok." I said, starting to cry again. "Alyssa... Don't go." He said, clutching tightly to me. "I won't. I promise baby. I'm not going anywhere." I said, holding him close to me. I felt him sobbing and all the work Henry had done to keep me calm, flew out the window. "I'm sorry." I sobbed into his hair. "I'm so sorry, Ray." I cried and held as tightly to him as he was to me. Henry and Shwoz went up into the store to give us some privacy and I mentally thanked them for that. Ray sniffed and looked up at me, his eyes were puffy and red. "Please tell me you didn't mean any of that." He said. I leaned in and kissed him. "Ray, I love you more than I will ever  be able to tell you. I didn't mean a single word I said in there. I love that you keep the city safe, you keep me safe and you... You mean the world to me baby." I said, having to force the words around the lump in my throat. "Say it again?" He asked. I kissed his forehead. "I love you." I said. "I love you so much Alyssa." He replied. I helped him off the table and gave him a piece of his gum so he could change back. "Sit here," I said, "I'll be right back." He nodded and laid on the couch. I went to the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth. I wet it before going back out to Ray, who had calmed down a little. I sat in front of him and wiped his face with the wash cloth to cool him off some. As I was doing this, he sat up and then pulled me up onto his lap. I kissed his nose and he smiled a little. "Keep going. That feels good."He said. I giggled and wiped his face some more before he put his hands on my face and pulled me down to kiss me. This one was different than before, more intense. I kissed down his cheek and started to kiss his neck, making his grip tighten on me a little. "And how does that feel?" I asked. He chuckled. "That feels pretty good too." He said. Ray was the most ticklish on his neck, and I planned to take advantage of that. I kissed and nibbled playfully, making him laugh and squirm a little. Then he picked me up and carried me to our room....


I cried out Ray's name as we finished and then kissed him as he rolled off of me. I put my head on his chest and listened to his rapid beating heart. "I love you Asa." He said. I smiled and placed a kiss on his chest. "I love you too Ray." I said. "I'm... I'm so sorry about what I had to say." I said. For a while he didn't answer, then he did and I wished I had never brought it back up. "That's... That's how I feel sometimes." He said. I looked up at him. "What?" I asked. He became very interested in a string on the blanket as he answered. "I feel... Guilty... You know cause, you're Captain Man's girlfriend and people always want to see us together... I'm usually gone all day and knowing you're here alone makes me feel guilty for leaving." He said. I made him look at me and said, "Ray, the things I told you in that dream were not real! I love you to pieces baby and nothing could ever change that! Please say you believe me." I begged. I saw his eyes well up again and he smiled a little bit. "I believe you." He whispered. I nodded and kissed him, then our previous actions started again.... 

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