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The next morning when I woke up, I found a note on my pillow with familiar handwriting. It said: 'Alyssa, thank you for last night. I wanted to say goodbye, but didn't have he heart to wake you. You needed to sleep off last's events. You were nicer than most people would have been, and I'm grateful that you were the one I was saving, and you saved me too in a way. So again, thank you. Maybe the next time we meet won't be so dangerous. Stay safe Asa. -CM'

As I read the note I smiled. Then last night hit me. I... I kissed Captain Man!  Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I can't believe I did that! Those pictures were going to be everywhere! What was Ray going to say!? As I was freaking out, I heard a knock at my door, then got a text from Ray. "Hey babe. You up? Me, Henry and Charlotte are here." It said. I tried to control my fast breathing as I walked down the stairs to let them in. They waved when I opened the door and I moved to let them in. Then Ray tried to kiss me, and I moved away. "Let me get dressed then we can go." I said. I rushed up the stairs and pulled my pajamas off. Then I pulled on my jean shorts and old Junk-N-Stuff  t-shirt and walked back downstairs. Ray smiled when I came down and tugged at the sleeve of the shirt. "I can't believe you still have this." He said. I laughed as I pulled my shoes on. "Of course I do." I said. He tried to kiss me again and again, I moved away. "Ok, what's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged. "Nothing." I said. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Then he looked at Henry and Charlotte, who were pretending not to listen. "Guys, can I have a minute with Alyssa?" He asked. I sighed hearing him use my real name. I'd noticed he only did that when things were serious, or if we fought. "Babe, you know you can always tell me if something's wrong, right?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes. But nothing's wrong." I said. "When have you ever been able to lie to me?" He asked. Ray could always see right through me. Whether I was upset, trying to prank him, tired, angry,  whatever it was he could see it. I decided to try my luck though and I looked up into his eyes. "I'm not lying." I said. "I can tell when you are!" He said, his voice raising. I shushed him, not wanting Henry and Charlotte to hear this. "Ray, nothing is wrong!" I said, trying my hardest to make him drop it. I went to walk away when he said, "So it's ok when you do it?" I turned around to see him standing with his arms crossed. "Do what?" I asked, getting quite annoyed with him. "Lie. Make up stories. You get all ticked off at me when I have an emergency to get to but when I ask you what's wrong, you won't tell me anything?" He asked. I sighed. "Ray, nothing is going on! Why can't you just believe me and get over it?" I asked, my voice rising a few octaves. "Because I know something is wrong! I want to know what's bothering you!" He yelled. "Nothing!" I yelled back, close to angry tears. "You never tell me anything why should I tell you anything?" I asked. "Alyssa, I tell you what's going on with me!" He said. I shook my head at him. "No! You don't! You tell me it's some work emergency then run out without another word! You're the one who never says anything! Not me!" I cried. "Really? Cause that's exactly what you're doing now!" He yelled. "I am just trying to help you! Now will you please tell me what's-" I cut him off by yelling, "I KISSED CAPTAIN MAN!" He looked shocked. "What?" He asked. I sighed and wiped at the hot tears pouring down my cheeks. "Last night. Some dude kidnapped me and had me strapped to a table, and Captain Man saved me." I said. Ray leaned against the couch and stared at the floor "Then?" He asked. I sniffed and took a breath. "He walked me home, cause it was late and he wanted to make sure I got home alright. We stood on the porch, I thanked him for saving me,  then he kissed me and I kissed him back." I said. Ray walked over and held my chin gently, then tilted my face up to look at him. "It's ok." He said, confusing me. "What do you mean?" I asked. He chuckled. "I don't care that you kissed him. You said he saved you from Dr. Minyak, right?" He asked. "How did you know his name?" I asked. I saw panic in his blue eyes, but it disappeared as he answered. "Uh... it was... It was on the news this morning. I didn't know it was you he'd taken though. I would've been there in two seconds." He said, making me regret ever thinking of breaking up with him. "I'm sorry it happened." I said. He shook his head. "Don't be. It was just... an in the moment kinda thing. You're totally ok babygirl." He said, pulling me close and kissing my head. I nuzzled my face against him and smiled. One of the kids knocked on my door and I wiped my face off before answering it.  "Everything ok in here?" He asked. Ray and I nodded. "Yeah." He said, "Everything's fine." They nodded and then we went to the Swellview supermarket  to get something to make for dinner and watch the season premiere of Walking Orange. I'd never watched the show before so they had to fill me in without spoiling anything, which meant they couldn't tell me much. We decided on something easy, so we got the things to make homemade pizza. Then we went back to my house, where we set out the dough before Ray rolled it out and turned the oven to let it heat up. Henry and Charlotte asked if I had any blankets and pillows we could use to cover up with and sit on, so I sent them up to my room. As Ray set out the ingredients, I walked over behind him and wrapped my arms around his body. "Need any help?" I asked. He took my hand and pulled me around so he was standing behind me. He pressed his cheek against mine. "Put the ingredients on for me?" He asked. I nodded and started pouring the sauce on, then the cheese. "Only put pepperoni on half the pizza. Henry likes slices of both." He said. I couldn't help but smile. Ray was like Henry's older brother and it was adorable! After everything was on, I put the pizza in the oven. Burning myself as I did. "Ow! Crap!" I said. Ray looked over at me from the fridge. "What happened?" He asked. "Nothing. Just burned myself." I said. He came over and gently took my hand to make sure it was ok. Then he brought me to the sink and ran some cold water over it to take away the burn. "How's it feel?" He asked. "Better." I replied. He smiled as he turned the water off and dried my hand with a wash cloth. Then I noticed a mischievous little glint in his eyes. I giggled as he kissed from the tip of my finger, up my arm, then pulled my arms around his neck as he started to kiss mine. I gasped and was about to kiss him, when I heard a cough. Both of us jumped back to see Henry and Charlotte standing there with their arms crossed. Ray coughed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh... Pizza's cooking." He said. "Mhm." Henry said. I tried to avoid the awkward stare down and turned to check the pizza that had only cooked for two minutes. Then I heard an all too familiar beep and sighed. "I'm sorry." He said. "Why can't Gooch or Shwoz handle it?" I asked quietly, not wanting to fight in front of Henry and Charlotte, who had gone into the living room. Ray didn't answer my question, so I asked another. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I can't tell you." He said. "Why? Why can't you ever  tell me!?" I asked. He sighed and ran his hands down his face. "I am not going to have this fight with you again, Alyssa. I can't. I have to go." He said. "Of course you do." I said. I heard him sigh again before he walked out the door, Henry close behind him. I felt the tears roll down my face and felt Charlotte hugging me. Needless to say, I didn't watch the marathon that night. Charlotte and I had a sleep over and I walked with her to school the next morning before going to my own job. Not for long though. Apparently, someone had spread a rumor that I was Captain Man's girlfriend and people had been in the studio all day asking about me and him and trying to get information on him. So long story short, my being there was interrupting things and I got fired. I sat at home all day, wanting so badly to call Ray and tell him what happened. But neither of us were talking to the other right now. He hadn't come back that day or the day after that, and as mad as I had been, I was still worried about all the disappearing he as doing. I hated fighting with him too, but both of us were pretty hard headed so it would usually be a few days before either of us gave in and called. I managed to convince myself not to call him and just to let the both of us calm down. I took a shower then walked upstairs to my bedroom. I was tossing and turning as I lay in bed, and it was almost 2:30 AM when I finally fell asleep. I was woken up though, I don't know how long i'd been asleep, but suddenly I heard a loud yell and bangs come from downstairs. I got up and grabbed my phone before walking down the stairs. I saw someone walking through my living room and I threw my phone at them. "OW!" They yelled. I knew that voice. "Ray!?" I asked. A lamp turned on and I saw him rubbing his head where my phone had hit. I went down to make sure he was ok. "Ray, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "I needed to see you." He said. "Your house is a mess. You could have at least cleaned the bathroom." He said. "Had I known I would be having guests at 3 in the morning I would have!" I said. He nodded. "I guess I should have called first." He said. "Ray, what are you doing here?" I asked again. Finally he said, "I have to show you something."

Captain Man!?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora