Meeting Captain Man

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It's been almost 4 months since I've started dating Ray and it seems like things just keep getting more and more stressful. We could hardly see each other any more because he was always running off to do who knows what, and when we did see each other it was only for a few minutes before his watch would beep or his phone would ring. I was walking to Junk-N-Stuff one night to talk to Ray, when someone grabbed me and put something over my head. Then I was being taken somewhere. I could tell I was in a van because of the motions and all the space I was laying in. I couldn't hear anyone talking,  just their breathing and the occasional shuffle of their movements. The silence was killing me until finally, I felt the van stop. The doors were opened and I was being pulled out and carried again. I tried fighting, but they sprayed something at me and I passed out. 


I had literally just gotten my pajamas on when the alarm sounded. I groaned and as I was walking out, I heard Henry and Shwoz talking. "Ray is gonna flip." Henry said. "Flip about what?" I asked. They turned to look at me and looked really worried. "Guys what's wrong?" I asked. Shwoz directed my attention to the monitor and told me what was happening. "Dr. Manyak is at it again." He said. I walked over and looked at the monitor he was at. "He broke out of prison!?" I asked. They nodded. "Yeah, and he's planning again." Henry said. "Planning what?" I asked. "He's planning on taking people's deepest, darkest fears and make them a reality." Shwoz said. I could tell they knew more though. "Guys, what else happened?" I asked. They looked at each other and nodded a little before looking back at me. "He's got Alyssa." Henry told me, and I don't know what happened to me but I suddenly felt like my body wasn't mine. It was like... I knew what I was doing, but felt like I had no control. I was blowing the bubble and I was out the door without any hesitation.


When I woke up, I found myself chained to a chair with tubes and wires all around me. I saw a man and a woman working at a table a few feet away and tried to see what they were doing. It looked like some kind of potion to be honest. It was pitch black and had neon green smoke coming from it. I could smell it from where I was laying and it smelled a lot better than it looked. Something in me wanted to try it, but I fought that off and tried to silently wiggle my arms out of their restraints. As I was struggling, I heard glass breaking and someone falling through the window. It was Captain Man! He kicked over the table that man was working at and knocked the bottle out of his hand, spilling its contents. Captain Man managed to tie up the man and his assistant and then gave them to the cops when they showed up. Then he unfastened the straps around my wrists, waist, and ankles before helping me down. He took my hands and made sure my arms were okay before getting me out. "Thank you so much." I said. He waved his hand. "It's nothing to thank me for. It's what I do." He said. I smiled. "So... I guess I should get home." I said. "Mind if I walk with you?" He asked. "Just to, you know, make sure you get there ok." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Ok. Thanks." I said. He smiled, and I could've sworn I knew it from somewhere. I ignored it and we started walking to my house. He started up a conversation as we walked. "So what were you doing out so late?" He asked. I shrugged a little and watched the ground as I walked. "I was uh... I was going to talk to my boyfriend." I said. He nodded. "Mind if I ask what's wrong?" He asked. I stopped walking and looked up at him. "How do you know something's wrong?" I asked. He stopped a few steps in front of me and turned back to me. "I can... just tell these things." He said. I sighed. "It's just..." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair as I kicked at some rocks. "At first... Things were great." I said, looking back at him. "But?" He asked. "Things have just been getting stressful. He's always running off whenever his watch beeps or when he gets a call. I'm just worried that this isn't even worth it." I said. He looked heartbroken. "I don't think you should give up on it." He said, starting to walk again. I caught up. "It's not like I want  to end it... It's just the stress of it. It's not good for either of us." I said. He nodded. It was pretty silent the rest of the way to my house, and when we got there we stood on my porch. "So um, I guess you have to go... Back to wherever Captain Man goes, huh?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I do. So... Goodnight, uh, I- I never got your name." He said. "It's Alyssa." I said. He smiled, "Alyssa. Beautiful." He said, making me blush. He took a step closer to me and I looked up at him. God he was tall. Suddenly, he was leaning down and he kissed me. I kissed him back, but not for long. Paparazzi had found us and the cameras were going crazy. So we ran inside and I locked the door behind us. "Great." He said, clearly annoyed. "I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me and walked over. "No, don't... I-ah, it's not your fault." He said. I nodded then gestured to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to eat or something to drink?" I asked. "Food sounds amazing." He said. I laughed and warmed up leftover pizza, then we ate. When we were done, Captain Man looked out the window and sighed. "Still there?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. They're all still there." He said. "You must get that a lot huh? People always wanting your picture?" I asked. He shrugged. "I've gotten pretty used to it." He said. "I'm just sorry you got dragged into it." He said. I shook my head. "Don't be. This'll probably be over in a week. Maybe two. It'll blow over like every other story they dig up." I said. The corner of his mouth turned up into a smile I could have sworn I was in love with. "Hopefully." He said. He looked like he was thinking about something, so was I. I knew this man. I just didn't know how. The people outside weren't giving up, so I offered to let him stay here tonight. I got him a blanket and pillows then helped him pull the bed put of the couch before we turned the lamp out and I went upstairs to my own bed, and for the life of me I could not get him off my mind. It was around 1:45 AM when I finally fell asleep.

Captain Man!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin