"Bye, Lou."

He doesn't turn around to see if he heard but the small intake of breath tells him he did.

"Louis." He hears and when Harry turns around the hero is already gone, the door clicking shut behind him.

[Cinema's, Friday, December 4, 2015, 9:55 pm]


That's his name.

The masked vigilante of England is named Louis. So common. So mundane.

"Harry, you're dozing again." Niall says, waving a hand in front of his friend, "What happened between you and Spidey? Did you guys fuck?"

Harry chokes on his gum and coughs dramatically. He gasps out before glaring at Niall.

"What the fuck, Ni? I could have died. And no. We didn't fuck." He says, blushing at the last sentence. Niall chuckles but let's the topic drop as they walk out of the theatre.

Harry knows he should be back at his flat studying for the big exam in his class but Niall was very persuading in going to the cinema.

They walk down the block, hands stuffed in their pockets as the first flakes of snow start to fall. Harry shivers, silently wishing he had a car.

Niall leaves two blocks later, taking the tube while Harry continues walking, knowing his flat is closer.

He pulls his scarf against his nose, shivering at how bloody cold it is. He knows he has a few more blocks to walk but his feet feel like ice and maybe taking the tube wasn't such a bad idea.

He lets out a deep breath before continuing to walk, taking the normal route back to his flat, cutting through alleys and empty streets.

When he's about two blocks away he passes by a group of men hanging outside a bar. He hears them whistle and he hangs his head, continuing on his way. He keeps walking but he hears the patter of their footsteps behind him so he quickly takes another shortcut, basically running through the alley.

But running almost always causes catastrophe with Harry Styles.

He trips over his own feet and sprawls to the floor with a huff. He quickly stands back up, ready to walk again when something grips the back of his jacket and pushing him against the wall. Harry moves to scream when a hand is clasped against his mouth.

The smell of alcohol is heavy in the air, making Harry cringe. The man holding him mumbles something about how pretty he is but it gets cut off when his friend is being throw against the wall opposite of him.

The man holding him stares at his friend for a second before he's being thrown too and Harry is left breathless against the wall. The men are grabbed with webs and taken who knows where.

He stays against the wall for a second before taking a tentative step forward, then another, and another. He looks around for any sign of the hero but finds none.

Suddenly, Spider-Man comes from above the building, upside down and hanging onto a web.

"My, H, you seem to be a danger magnet." Louis says and Harry lets out a breathy laugh.

"I–you saved me." Harry says, moving stray curls away from his eyes.

Harry walks towards him, watching as Louis shifts on the web awkwardly. The taller lad stands directly in front of him, staring at the mask for a few seconds, studying the features and the eyes.

"I don't—"

"Kiss me." Louis says quickly. Harry's eyes widen and his mouth gapes.

"I–what?" Harry asks.

"Fucking kiss me, H." Louis replies. Harry can't help but laugh at his tone. Louis laughs too but it's cut off when Harry grabs the end of his mask, pulling it down slowly.

His thin lips come into view, a small stubble growing against his skin. Louis licks his lips subconsciously, waiting for Harry to do something.

Harry leans in slowly, lips ghosting over Louis' for a second before finally crashing their lips together.

The kiss is heated and it makes Harry feel warm despite the frosty weather. Their lips move together sloppily.

No first kiss is perfect. There's awkwardness and clumsiness.

But that makes Harry feel alive and for once he thinks that maybe the cold isn't so cold, as long as Louis is here with him.


*cries in gay*

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