Mobilizing for War

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"I'm..." Robin smiled and scooped me into his arms, kissing me fiercely, moving his scruffy lips down to my neck and jawline.

"Yes, we are going to have a baby." He said setting me down gently on our bed, sliding next to me on his side, propping his head up with one arm, using the other to lift my shirt, revealing my flat stomach.

"Robin there's no bump yet!" I giggled, but he waved me away and ignored the comment, resting his head on my stomach. "I felt her kick!" He exclaimed, I propped myself up on my elbows and rolled my eyes at him, shooting a smirk his way.

"We don't know what it is and it's no bigger than my fingertip." I said raising my eyebrow at him, he gave me a confused look and then looked back down at my stomach. "Then what was that?!" He asked nervously, I giggled and sat up, pulling my shirt down. "I'm hungry, my stomach was growling." I said standing up, examining myself in the mirror.

I thankfully had my figure still intact, but my feet did ache along with my boobs, which had gotten bigger over the past two weeks.

"You look fine." Robin said coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "I'm just trying to picture my body with a baby attached to it." I said quietly, he laughed softly and stared at me as well.

"I can't wait."

I walked into the bathroom after a while and picked up all five pregnancy tests which were all positive, making me warm with pleasure, knowing that for once I'd be able to carry a child.

"Hi mom." Henry said leaning on the doorframe, startling me, I jumped and quickly shoved the tests into the drawer. "What was that?" He asked walking up to me, I smiled awkwardly and walked him out of the restroom.

"Oh just my feminine products." I said smiling, he scrunched his nose and gave me a disgusted look. "Anyways, now you have some explaining to do young man." I said raising my eyebrow at him, he gave me a nervous glance and his hands started to get clammy.

"What are you talking about?" He asked nervously, I chuckled and smirked at him, sitting him down on the edge of the bed, taking the place across from him in my vanity chair.

"I heard Emma talking to you at the wedding about someone, who's the girl?" I asked curiously, he scrunched his eyebrows and stood up quickly.

"There's no girl! I swear!" He babbled, I rolled my eyes and decided to let it go, at least until I felt like it was getting serious.

"Anyways, I'm glad things are getting back to normal, so much has been changing." He said awkwardly, I bit my lip and stared at him.

"And is the change a good thing?" I asked cautiously, he shrugged and gave me an interesting look.

"I love Robin, don't get me wrong, and I'm overjoyed that you're happily married, I guess I just miss the days where it was just you and me." He said simply, I gave him a bittersweet smile and nodded.

"I know, but I thought you wanted siblings, do you enjoy Roland?" I asked rubbing his arm, he nodded and looked over at his hands which he was tangling within each other.

"Yeah, he's great, but I'm getting older, I thought maybe now I'd be helping with the plans and operations, not just naming them and watching the little brother." He said standing up, I sighed and stood with him, my good news dancing on the tip of my tongue, but my nerves stopped it, knowing this was absolutely not the right time.

"But don't worry, it's fine." He said nodding uncomfortably before walking out of the room.

I gathered the pregnancy tests into my jacket and made my way over to the Charming's loft, knocking quietly just in case Neal was sleeping.

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