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I stumbled out of bed and stared at myself in the mirror, my heart sitting heavily in my chest as it ached.

"Good morning." Robin said walking into my room with a plate of toast and juice. I nodded and looked down, not wanting to talk at the moment.

"I wanted to tell you something." He said sitting beside me on the bed, the space between us growing. "I just wanted to let you know that I never had sex with your sister, Gold put fake memories into my head to cover up an affair that he had with your sister." He said gently, I looked at him and tried to register what he just said.

"So you just handed her over?!" I exclaimed, glaring at him, he shrugged and then nodded at me. "Robin! You had a child, you had- but she wasn't yours. It's okay." I said taking a deep breath, rubbing my forehead.

"Regina? Tell me what's going on?" He asked turning me so I was facing him. "I'm a bit preoccupied about my son being dead." I spat at him, he shrunk away at my harshness so I softened my tone.

"I meant with us, we aren't the same anymore." He said quietly, I looked down and picked at my nail nervously.

"I'm just frustrated. You always chose me second in your life when I did everything to make you my first priority. You chose your honor and Marian over me the first time when you clearly didn't even want to be around her, then you told me that you loved me before you left town, and you now tell me that you never had sex with my sister, but you still chose her, and now you're back and I'm just really confused and scared!" I yelled, tears threatening to fall.

"Regina why in the world are you scared?!" He asked taking my hands, my expression hardened in defense and I felt my lip quivering. "I'm terrified that you will leave me again, I already lost my son, I can't lose you too." I said, trying my best not to cry, he looked at me gently and moved close to me, taking my hand.

"Why would I ever leave you?!" He asked trying to find a decent answer, I tried but I finally felt my tears fall. "Because I can't have a baby!" I finally admitted, different doses of pain making me unable to breathe, only gasp frantically for air in between sobs.

"Hey, I will never leave you! Regina you are much more than a baby maker for me! You're not just an empty womb to me! You're my soulmate that I love more than life itself! Don't ever be worried that I will ever leave you because I won't! I promise." He said cupping my cheek, gently brushing his thumb against it.

"But I want a child, some day, and I want to find a way to fix this." I said quietly, he nodded and gave me a gentle nod.

"Then I promise I will find a way for you to carry a child." He said gingerly, taking my hand into his.

"Now come on, I have some news for you." He said helping me out of bed, walking me into the bathroom.


Regina and Robin were the last ones to burst into the loft, Regina looked awful, the grief absorbing her completely.

"Hi." I said quietly to her, she nodded politely and sat down on the couch, staring blankly into space.

"Okay, now I found a way to get Henry back." I said staring at Regina, she perked up and I saw her attention focus on me.

"We can go the Underworld and get him, then split my heart to save him." I said moving over to Regina who was sitting on the couch. "Wait, let me split my heart!" Regina said standing up quickly, she looked sickly thin and pale, and I knew that would not be an option as long as I was in charge.

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