Wendy's : Chapter Thirteen

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Since you all want more...

Jane's POV

I heard sirens.

The police came knocking on the door and found me crying my eyes out when I opened the door.

"Sweetie, what happened?" One officer said.

"Beth... he took her again. My mommy is upstairs unconscious." I said crying.

One officer ran up to get mom and I sat on the couch crying. Someone walked up to me.

"I'm Detective Hill. I need you to answer some questions. Okay?" He said.

"Okay." I said.

"What just happened?"He asked.

"Well some guy came as a police officer. I guess it was this guy who took Beth. Beth took me and my mommy upstairs with this phone. The guy somehow knew we were in the closet so Beth went out of the closet after giving this information on this phone as a text. He made Beth pass out after her saying she doesn't want to go with him. Then mommy went after him and he made her pass out too. He then took Beth in his car." I said showing him the text with information.

"Can you describe his look?" He asked.

"I actually took a picture." I said as I pulled up the picture on mommy's phone.

"That's great that you took this!" He said making me feel a little proud of myself.

"You have helped tremendously!" He said as he saw my mother walking down the stairs but with help from an officer.

He then proceeded to ask the same questions but added some others too.

Beth's POV

I woke up in a car. Wait a minute.

"What the hell?" I said to Matt.

"What baby you need to be safe." Matt said.

"I was safe at my home until you took me away from everything I care about." I said starting to cry.

I looked out the window. There was nothing in sight.

"Can we at least grab something through the drive thru?" I said hoping he would say yes.

"Fine. What do you want?" He asked.

"Ice cream." I said having different plans with the ice cream than to eat it... I smiled.

He pulled into a Wendy's. Wow. What a coincidence.

"I'll get two vanilla frosties. Size medium." He said to the man.

"Hi, your total comes out to $4.04." The worker said as I mouthed help to the worker.

He dropped the money hopefully it was for me to get away so I tried to open the door while he was picking up the money.

"Kidnap. Beth." I mouthed as Matt was picking up the change.

"Thank you sir." The worker said.

We pulled up to the next window and got our frosties.

"Here babe." Matt said.

That kind of made me throw up a little in my mouth. Now for my plan...

I looked at the driver's seat and saw the button to unlock the car. I started crying and hoped he would give me a hug.

"Baby what's wrong?" He said as I went to hug him.

I hugged him and cried. Then I sobbed VERY loud when I went to unlock the doors.

"Woah... that scared me." He said as I just hoped it would scare him...

"Why did you kidnap me? Why not a beautiful girl?" I said as I was still crying but hiding the fact the door was unlocked from my side.

"You are beautiful!" He said.

The whole time we were in the Wendy's parking lot.

"Can you wait a minute I need to stretch?" I said as I unbuckled my seat belt trying to stall hoping the worker called the police.

"Sure babe." He said and this time I did throw up a little in my mouth... eww.

I stretched down then to one side and to the other... then I pulled the door open shoving myself out of the car and ran into the Wendys.

I ran behind the counter not paying any attention to the people giving me weird looks. I saw the person at the window who I asked for help.

"Hey I escaped... did you call the police?" I said.

"Yes." He said.

"Just hide me please!" I said as I went in between a corner so no one out of the kitchen could see me.

I heard Matt walk in and call for Derrick. The guy (I asked for help) went up to the counter.

"Do you have her?" I heard Matt say quietly.

"Yes. She's in the corner." This Derrick guy said. Damn who knew you can't trust Wendy's workers...

Matt went in the kitchen and I knew I had to make a move. I ran over to the back of the kitchen and saw an exit. I ran through the exit but was stopped my two strong tall men outside the door.

"Oh sweetie you should have learned not to run away." The blonde guard said.

I saw Matt walk up to me and grab my hand. Since I knew I had no chance to escape now I just annoyed him.

"I don't like you! I am dating someone already." I said as I pulled my hand away.

"Who is the guy?" He asked VERY seriously.

"It's a girl..." I said thinking his reaction was amazing... he just rolled his eyes and put me in the car.

We drove off and I thought of how I will never see my mother or Jane. I have such an amazing relationship with Jane I just can't imagine not having her in my life.

We arrived at the same house I was at before.

"I will help you inside." He said as he got out and walked to my side of the car.

He opened my door and grabbed my hand HARD. it was like he was holding his iPhone so it wouldn't fall off of a skyscraper.

"Home sweet home." Matt said as he let me in the door then locking it.

I ran up to my room and closed the door wanting to be left ALONE. I threw myself on the bed and thought of how I have Rain at home for Jane to remember me by.

"I will never see her again...I will never see her again..." I repeated until I fell asleep.

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