After dinner they sat at the lounge while watching a movie called P.S I love you. During the movie a thought kept lingering in Megan's mind. She was thinking how should she answer Chen. Then she turned and ask Josh "Hone, you know how long I have left. Can I do something and don't be angry at me?"

Josh asked "What is it?"

Megan replied "Some unfinished business with Chen."

Josh "If that is what you want, then I won't stop you."

Megan "Thanks Bebe."

Then they continued watching. 3 days later Megan met Chen at a café near Megan's house. Megan went there first then Chen arrived 10 minutes later.

Chen took a seat opposite of Megan.

Megan started "I will go on a date with you for 2 days only. But after that we are done."

Chen "Okay. Thank you so much. Two days is better then nothing."

It was Wednesday and her estimated D-Day was on next Monday. She did all the stuff she wanted with Josh, arranged everything about her funeral and she planned up of something. Josh wanted some of Megan's ash infused in a ring so that josh can keep it as a remembrance of her. She and Josh started to pack her stuff away in to boxes. While packing away her things in to boxes she was starting to get pale and tired. She nearly fell back but Josh caught her. She started coughing.

Josh "Sit down first. I will get your pills."

Megan sat down and waited. After having some pills, she settled down and made dinner. It was Saturday, Megan and Chen were having their last date to finish their relationship. They went to the amusement park and at the end of the night, their relationship was over. The next morning Megan wanted to end her day by going to the park with Josh. They sat down beside the fountain and stared talking while sipping on their cup of coffees. She suddenly felt very cold. Feeling unbalanced and nearly fell back. Thank god, Josh caught him. They quickly went back home and finished of something before they went to sleep.

The next day Megan wanted to hang out with her friends so they went to the bubble tea place where Chen and Megan broke up. They hanged out there for a bit before Josh picked her up slowly Megan was walking towards Josh's car trying to support her fragile body. Just before she reached the car, Megan suddenly lost conscious and fell. Josh bridal way carried her into the car and drove to the hospital as fast as he can. When they arrived at the hospital Megan was assigned to her special room whenever she was sick she would stay. Megan's friend was waiting outside which included Amy. Chen saw Amy walking to the café to get food and drink. He stopped her.

Chen "Hey Amy! What brings you hear?"

Amy "Megan!"

Chen's face changed from a happy to a worried expression.

Chen "What happened to Megan?"

Amy "You didn't know?"

Chen "Know what?"

Amy rolled her eyes and said "Megan had astrocytoma grade 2 tumour which was terminal. It developed into a grade 4. And had only 2 weeks to live."

Chen "Where is she now?"

Amy "No Chen! Megan doesn't want to ever see you again!"

Chen just ran away toward the reception. Amy carried on walking to the café. She brought 3 potato and mice pies heated up and a sandwich for her self with 4 cups of coffee.

Chen ran to the reception and asked where Megan Choi was. The lady said in theatre 4 upstairs. He rushed up there and saw 2 other friends from high school and Josh standing beside the door. Chen walked up there but was stopped but Josh.

Josh "Chen! What do you think you are doing there?"

Chen "Where is Megan is she okay?"

Mi Young (one of Megan's friend) "Chen, why do you care? You better leave now."

Amy walked near the theatre and said "Yea Chen. She specifically told us that she doesn't want to see you again nor want you to be at funeral. In other words, she doesn't want to be friends with you ever again."

Mi young "She once said that she would have been much better off if she hadn't met you. So can you please leave now, Sir?"

Josh stood up and took out a little envelope from the inside pocket of his blazer and gave it to Chen "Chen, these are the last words Megan told me to give you before she dies."

Chen took the envelope and slowly walked away. He drove back to his apartment and opened up the envelope

Dear, Kim Jongdae

Thank you for being my friend. I appreciated it. If you received this letter, then you would know I've died. After all these years of breaking up with you, I have found another side of life. A side of creativity and adventure. You should go achieve what you want. Have a fun, full live. Don't miss me and don't try and come to my funeral. All that is going to happen is you will get hurt.

Megan Choi

Back at the hospital, Megan woke up. She slowly lifted her heavy eye lids and opened her dry lipped mouth. She started talking weakly "Sorry guys for worry about me. I guess it's a bye bye! Josh did you give him the envelope?"

Josh nodded. She started taking deeper breaths so then Josh and Megan's friend was forced out of the room but they could still see her through the glass. Josh watched slowly and painfully that Megan's eyelids dropped and the heart rate going down. After taking her body to the morge. Josh and Megan's friends went back to their own home to get some got some food and cleaned up. Then they met at Josh's house to get the rest of Megan's things and take it to Megan's old house. 

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