Phantom Man of Highway 12

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Baraboo, Wisconsin. Wisconsin seems to have a lot of urban legends.

Highway 12 dates back to 1917 when it was known as WIS 12. In 1993, the section of highway through Wisconsin was named Iron Brigade Memorial Highway in honour of a Civil War Union unit from that area.

For years, drivers have reported a man wearing what appears to be a green army jacket from the 1960's and blue jeans walking down the road. In most reports, he is said to have a dark beard and long, greasy black hair. Most drivers will pass him and not pay that much attention to him until they are overwhelmed when about a mile down the road, they see the same man. Some have even attempted to give the man a ride, but they find that he vanishes from sight before he reaches the car. 

Some changes to the highway (with more to come) doesn't seem to have affected the phantom hitchhiker from making his presence known The Baraboo Tour Facebook page reported a sighting on November 7, 2011 by a trucker. He spotted the phantom at about 9:45 pm near Ski-Hi Road and he was spotted again by the S-curve near Skillet Creek.

Although many have tried to find the phantom hitchhiker, no one has yet to be able to explain who he is or why he is haunting that particular section of road.

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