Chapter Four: Destinesia

Start from the beginning

He sees Michael across the café near the gym with the two boys Luke had seen with him two days ago. They're all similar in a way Luke doesn't know how to process; they're dark, hard and quiet, emitting a once sour taste that now danced flavorfully on Luke's tongue. He's drawn in, his body craving to be close to Michael and the two boys. It's strong, empowering, and Luke finds himself standing.

"Luke?" Josh touches his arm, confusion riddling his voice.

Michael's eyes meet Luke's, sharp and fiery. He's a beacon and Luke's stumbling forward, brushing off the calls of his friends as he approaches Michael's table. The two boys with him have turned their attention to Luke, conversation having dwindled to silence as Luke crossed the cafe.

Silence has fallen the bustling room and Luke's knees hurt. There's a pressure on his jaw, digging into the aches Michael's fingers had left the night before and clouding up his thoughts. Michael's face blurs as does the curly haired boy across from him and Luke blinks, scrubbing at his eyes again. His vision tips and Michael stands.

His eyes are full of fire as he stares at Luke. "Go back to your friends, princess." The dark haired boy snickers, cut off only by Michael's hand on his shoulder. Luke's mouth is dry as he nods. Michael's friends seem uncomfortable, the curly haired one wringing his hands, eyes averted.

"Luke, what the hell?" Josh tugs on Luke's hand. Sound floods the blondes ears, the cafe bustling in the background of Tyler rambling on about Luke's recent space-outs. He's sat, rigid and shaking, never having left the table. He blinks, eyes scanning the room for Michael and his companions. They're not there, the table now empty.

Tyler scoffs. "What are you looking at?" He sounds annoyed, rightfully so. Luke shrugs, sheepish and unsure. That earns another scoff from his friend. "Luke, are you sure you're okay?"

As before, the words stick in his throat and 'yes' forces it's way from between his teeth. Josh rubs Luke's shoulder and offers his bag of cheddar popcorn. Luke turns it down and makes an excuse about leaving a book in his locker. Neither of his friends seem impressed as he packs his half-eaten lunch into his backpack and hurries from the cafe.

The hallways are fairly empty give the few straggling students making their way to class or the cafeteria. Luke brushes by, passing his locker and pushing the bathroom door open. The heavy wooden door falls shut behind him and Luke closes his eyes, leaning against the green tiled wall. It's an ugly color, almost a burst of a 7-up can meets Oscar the Grouch, but it's cool against Luke's bare skin, and he's quick to discard his backpack on the floor.

His breath comes in short pants and he braces himself on the wall. He can feel it - Michael - surrounding him in the enclosed space he sought out for a breath. Instead, his presence is there, suffocating and dry. Luke wants to scream, or cry (maybe both) he doesn't know. He hasn't been alone with himself in days, he's had Michael - whether the thought or presence - hounding at him, nagging and touching until his head swims with want.

Luke expects Michael to come in, corner him in a stall and touch until he's satisfied.

The bathroom door never opens and Luke feels almost distraught - although he can't piece together why. The pressure on his body slowly relents, his jaw no longer aching and his head empties of blurry thoughts.

He wants to go home, curl up in bed and sleep until his parents come home from work, or Ben tries to coax him down to watch a movie. The warning bell rings and Luke hurries to fix his hair and pick up his backpack - another tardy and he'll have a week of detention.

Josh glares at Luke as he slumps down in his seat, smiling weakly at the substitute teacher who continued calling roll. "You didn't go to your locker." Josh accuses, nose flaring angrily. His voice is just above a whisper and Luke feels his cheeks heat up at the thought of attention being drawn to their conversation.

"No, I didn't." Luke shakes his head. "I needed to be alone."

"Here," Josh replies as his name is called. He turns to face Luke, eyes softening. "You look like shit, man."

And Luke feels it. His body aches, his brain is fuzzy from the lack of sleep he's been getting, and he feels as though he's been beaten over and over. Ben had insomnia when he was young, not much older than eleven but Luke remembers it clearly, even from his four year old mind, how he'd be up when Luke went to bed, and sometimes would read him stories while their parents did dishes or showered.

"I'm okay." Again the lie falls from his lips. It tastes sweet, like deception and... and Michael.

Josh nods although he doesn't seem to believe it. The substitute calls Luke's name and he raises his hand. Her eyes are a soft green, almost fading into white. She smiles at Luke and finishes up with the roll. They watch a movie about World War II and Luke struggles to stay awake. His thoughts are plagued by Michael and he can't help but tense up every time he starts to nod off.

The room is dark and there's not much action on the screen.

He doesn't see Michael's eyes this time, but a set of hazel ones. They're large, wide and full of life, but they're clouded much like Luke feels. They're unfamiliar but beautiful all the same. They fade into black and Luke focuses on the movie. He can feel Josh looking at him but chooses to ignore it.

"I'm okay." This time, he whispers it to himself, hoping if he says it enough, it will become true.


a/n: I probably won't be updating for a bit, I have no more pre-written. that being said, I am working on the next chapter right now so who knows :)

hope everyone enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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