Now I know why

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   I was walking to second block and I got there early so I decided to go look for Toriel. I was walking around the school I couldn't find her. I decided to walk back to class and I saw her kissing Asgore. My heart shattered I ran to the bathroom crying. Why didn't she tell me she was with Asgore. I can't believe it I have to go home.
   Wait....this bathroom it's NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!!!!! This is the bathroom from my dream the bathroom I hung myself in. I run out as fast I can I ran into a teacher. They asked what was wrong I couldn't say anything I could barley breathe.
    I ran home I left everything but Toriel saw me crying and breaking down. I get home my mom ask what happen. I told her everything. She hugged me and told me to go lay down and that it was gonna be okay.
   It 3:40 now a few hours after my break down I'm Laying in bed on YouTube. My mom comes and checks on me. She tells me someone is here to see me. Toriel walks in "Sans are you okay? I've been so worried about you" she said. I didn't say anything. "Talk to me please" she is starting to tear up. "No I need to talk to you" I said.
    "I've change a lot since I moved away and it's hard to say I rather show you" I said. "What is it?" She asked me. I lift up my sleeves and show my scars. "I never showed anyone and that's why I always where my hoodie not even my mom knows."
She just stood there shocked didn't even say a word. Then she asked "why did you break down crying? " I sighed and said "Because I saw you kissing Asgore and it shattered my heart because I like you again Toriel when you came over and told me that you used to like me my memories came back so did my feelings for you"
   She said "But Sans I'm with Asgore I can't be with you" my heart shatters more when she said that." I know you can't you'll never want me" I said. "You don't know that me and Asgore might not last forever."she said and that gave me a little hope.

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