The dream

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    Where am I? Why is is so dark? Is anyone there? There is a light I walk towards it hey it's me and Toriel sitting on the bed when she told me she liked me in elementary school. But she didn't leave. We are sitting there talking about it. Wait she just kissed me. Oh my God I can't Believe she just did that. I'm like so red right now.
    Wait was that door there before? I walked through it. Its six months later and me and Toriel are holding hands down the hallway. But something seems wrong looks like Toriel was crying. Wait that's not me that's papyrus with her. Where am I?
   I walk around the school looking for where I'm at. I walk into one of the bathrooms. I was speechless. I found where I was....hanging at. I wake up screaming "NOOOOOO NOOOO NOOOOO AHHHHH!!!". My mom came running in asking what happened I told her about the dream and she calmed me down.
    Its Friday finally me and Toriel talk on the bus a lot but that's it I never see her till class I wonder why. Anyways I haven't told her about the dreams. I just can't tell her yet she hasn't seen my scars yet. I've decided  that I'll tell her and show her today after school.

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