Chapter 22

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Author Notes: Let me catch all up right quick. Ok Ariella does not work anymore. When Dallas sat her house on fire, her ex boss did not care and told her to come to work or else she is fired. And you already know she told him to do. Do whatever he had to do because her and her child wellbeing is more important. Lexi is not working anymore either. Her and DC have moved in together. As for Mama Ava she is doing just fine. Now resuming back to the story.


Ariyona, Jayla, and I are out looking for gifts for Emmanuel and Phillip. Valentine's Day is coming up in two days and we want to get them the perfect gift. But what do you get someone who has almost everything? After several hours and several stores I still have no clue what to get.

Any who Hit Man Holla birthday is coming up and he is having this birthday party in St. Louis and Emmanuel wants me to go with him. So we are leaving out tomorrow because his party is Friday and it's a 4 hour flight so we can leave the same day and make it before the party. But Emmanuel and DC want to kick it with the whole Wild N Out squad before the party so that's what happening. Me and Lexi haven't kicked it in a while. So it will be fun to hang out with my bestie/sister. As for Ariyona she is going to be with Jayla and Phillip until we get back.

Jayla: Thanks for letting me keep Ariyona this weekend. You know I need all the practice I can get.

Me: Of course! Your welcome to practice with Ariyona anytime.

Jayla: So are you excited to go out of town with Emmanuel?

Me: Yeah I guess I am.

Jayla: Girl get excited! You are going to be out of town on Valentine's Day without Ariyona. I already know what is going to go down.

Me: Girl you are a mess!

Jayla: Ok just don't come back like me. Lol

Me: Girl I can't even with you right now.

We ended up leaving and heading to the grocery store so I can cook. And plus we need some food. If you open our freezer all you will see is smoke come out.

Finally we made it home. I actually beat Emmanuel home. So I put Doc McStuffins on for Ariyona, put the groceries up and proceeded to cook. Jayla wasn't helping at all. All she did was help herself to the snacks.

An hour later Emmanuel and Phillip made it to the house.

Emmanuel: It smells good in here. Baby you must of went grocery shopping.

Me: Yes and dinner is almost done.

Emmanuel: What you cooking?

Me: Collard greens, Macaroni and cheese, sweet cornbread, fried porkchop, and yellow rice.

Phillip: Damn it ain't Sunday girl.

Me: I just wanted to cook a home cook meal something neither one of you have had in while.

Emmanuel : Ok well we will be in the living room with Ariyona. Call me when it's time to eat.

30 mins later....

Me: Everybody come eat.

We all sit down and ate. I thought it was going to be leftovers but boy was I wrong. These men can eat.

Emmanuel: Baby that was good.

Me: Yea I don't mean to toot my on horn.

Jayla: But toot toot.

Me: Lol I am glad ya'll like it. Phillip you very quite over there.

Phillip: I was just taking my time tearing up this good food.

Me: Boy you crazy.

Jayla: Can we get Ariyona tonight? She ask me earlier can she come to our house tonight.

Me: Ok I already have her clothes packed. So let me go get them right quick.

We said our goodbyes to Ariyona since we was leaving tomorrow. After everyone left I cleaned up the kitchen and went to see what Emmanuel was up too. He was in the room in the bed watching Wild N Out reruns.

Me: I made a golden Oreo ice cream cake. I knew that golden oreos were
your favorite. So I decided to make something with Golden Oreo's. (If you never had an Golden Oreo ice cream cake you most definitely should try it. It's a1)

Emmanuel: That's what up.

Me: I didn't even cut it yet. So you have a whole cake to yourself.

Emmanuel: Baby I will get me and you a piece of cake you just lay down because I know you tired.

Me: Ok.

I laid down and started watching Wild N Out. And before I knew it my eyes started to get real heavy to the point I couldn't take it anymore. I just let sleep take over.

This chapter kinda of short and dull. But I wanted to update.

What do you think is going to happen in next chapter?

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