Part 9

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Jihyo's phone rang, she immediately answer it as Hanbin is calling.


"Jihyo ah, where are you? Tiffany said you were dismissed" Hanbin said.

"Yeah, something come up, I'll be home in a few hours" Jihyo confirmed.

"Okay, don't come home late... I'll buy delivery food today"

"Okay" before Jihyo could end the call Hanbin said something unexpected.

"I love you, drive safe"

"Ummm.. Okay" she then end end the call.
After Jihyo settle things up for her mother, Jihyo is now on her way home. It is now 7 pm Jihyo turn her radio on and focus on her driving. She also thinking about what Hanbin said. To be honest Jihyo doesn't know wether she loves him or not, she feels like they were just friend with benefits do I love him?does he really loves me? That kind of thoughts keeps ringing in her mind.

"Hey" Jihyo greet Hanbin who is watching television.

"You're home" Hanbin smiled at her who are now sitting next to him. He wants to ask her where she's been but Jihyo looks tired so he decided to ask her later.

"Let's have dinner" Hanbin said while leading her to the dinner table.

"You haven't eat?" Jihyo asked.

"I was waiting for you so we can have dinner together" Hanbin slimed at her.

"You're weird, why do you keep smiling at me like that" Jihyo looked at him suspiciously.

"What's the problem with it?" Hanbin asked.

"You creeps me up" Jihyo said.

"Let's just eat, I'll warn the pizza"

Then they eat together, Jihyo decided to tell Hanbin about her mother, she doesn't know why but Jihyo feels comfortable to talk to Hanbin.

"Hey, we're going to have a month of holiday... Shall we plan to go somewhere?" Hanbin asked as they're going to have term break from Uni.

"Shall we? Up to you"

"Thinking about holiday, we didn't have our first night together after married right?"

"Thinking about holiday, we didn't have our first night together after married right?"

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"Byuntae!" Jihyo yelled and run to her bedroom, which Hanbin chase after.


"Ya! Get off me, I want to shower" Jihyo told Hanbin who wraps himself to Jihyo.

"It's weekends, let's cuddle for today" Hanbin said with his eyes still closed. As Jihyo was about to say something, she heard the doorbell.

"There's someone at the door, I need to go" Jihyo said while trying to break free the hug.

"Ugh, okay, don't be too long, I'm gonna miss you" Hanbin said then continuing his beauty sleep.

"Ew" Jihyo said then goes to the door.

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