The date

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Jihyo's getting ready for the date. Because they're going to a fancy restaurant, Jihyo wearing her sexy black dress and so is the Kim's son. Jihyo put a light make up and let her long wavy hair down.(imagine she have her long wavy hair in the pic)

Jihyo's POV

DING DONG. He must be here. Why is he so early?

Hanbin's POV

I wear my black texudo and straight to her condo. I don't know why I feel so exited to meet her. Oh god. I'm too early, but who cares anyway. DING DONG.

No one's POV

The door is finally opened, revealing the herself. Hanbin's was left speechless. He wish that he can stop time so that he can stare at her longer. A slap in the chest wakes him up.

"Yah! Why are you so early?! You said you're coming at at 8:00 and it's still freaking 7:30" Jihyo told him.

"Well, it's almost 8:00 anyways, are you ready?" Hanbin said while stretching his un itching neck.

"Nope, come in" Jihyo let him in and she goes to her bedroom to get her purse.

Nice condo, and she's very neat. Hanbin thought as he goes to fridge and get a drink. Jihyo goes to the kitchen area and saw him there.

"I'm ready, let's go" Jihyo said.
"Ok" Hanbin replied and catch her up.

They've arrive at the destination. He then open the door for Jihyo what a gentlement Jihyo thought.

"Thanks" Jihyo said.

They goes to their table and none of them are speaking. Because of the doom atmosphere Jihyo was thinking of how to talk to him.

"So..." They said at the same time. Jihyo chuckles.
"You first" Jihyo said.
"So um... Do you know when the wedding will be hold?" He said.
"Yeah, it's exactly in 3 weeks right?"
"Yeah, are you ready?" He asked.
"Like I said, there's nothing I can do" Jihyo said while looking down.
"You know, I don't feel like talking about it but I want to tell you about it, you know, when I was little, my mom and dad got divorced because my mom found out that my dad had another women, and he got full custody of me and all of the sudden he used violence against me if I do or disagree with something that is against his will hell beat the hell out of me. And when I came back here there still are some scared kind of feeling and I'm too scared that if I don't marry you he's gonna something about it" Jihyo explained. Hanbin was in a total shock, he didn't know that her father would do such thing to a child. Hanbin grab her hand and hold it while looking deeply to her eyes.
"I'm..." Before he could finish it the order come.
"Don't be sorry, I don't like people pity me" Jihyo said sternly.

After the finished their meal it is time for them to go back. Hanbin has arrived in Jihyo's condo and even walk her to her room.

"Want to get in?" Jihyo asked as they've arrived in front of Jihyo's condo.
"Yeah, sure"
"Do you want juice or beer?" Jihyo offered.
"Beer, please"

They drank a total 10 cans of beer each. They talked about random things. Hanbin looked at Jihyo who is still drinking her 11th can of beer. He spent know why but he has that urge feeling to get her, he stands up and give a hug from the back and put his chin on her shoulder. Jihyo was struck, she doesn't know what to do as Jihyo was about to get his hand of her he told her something.

"Let's stay like this for a while, I'm lonely" Hanbin said.

After a few minutes, Jihyo spin her chair which Hanbin constantly let go of his grip from her tiny waist. Jihyo looked at him, touch his face as if she was studying every detail of his features, she looked at his orbs and can see sadness in his eyes. She doesn't know why she stands up and grab his neck and hug him. Hanbin hugged her back and let a tear fall. Jihyo knows why, when he was little he lost his little sibling, jihye because of a cancer that grown inside her. He must've missed her so much Jihyo thought.

Hanbin let go of her looked at her in eyes and slowly looking at soft, pink-ish lips, he moved forward and slowly their lips meet each other. He can feel her soft lips on his and it feels good he tonight in his mind. Surprisingly, she responds to the kiss and let him, her mind keep saying to stop but her lips doesn't want to let go, might've been the side effect of the alcohol. And the kiss got more and more heated, he lift her up which makes Jihyo wrap her legs in his waist. And there they did it.

Should I write smut next time 😏 hope you like it❤️❤️❤️ and I might update only on the weekends so wait for it😃

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