Step 1

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        I actually decided to do a chapter today since I had some time I hope you guys enjoyed it.           ________________________________________________________________________                                                            

                                                                                           *Aphmau's POV*

-she falls asleep and dreams about her powers- What is this place? ZANE!? Wait, what's going? "Ahh I see you've come to see me?" WHAT NO what's going on!? "You came to our ceremony." WHAT CEREMONY!?!?!?!?  "The one my brothers made just for you." I have to be dreaming this can't be real.. "Oh it is, but it will be soon. Don't worry about your friends, they won't miss one part of it." What are you going to do to me.. "Nothing to harsh, I'm just going to take your powers. ahahahahaha!!" You can't, I won't let you. "OH but I am." -dream ends- I scream from the horrible nightmare, everyone looks at me so shocked. "Are you ok Aph." Garroth says. Yea I'm fine.. just had a nightmare I guess. I walk to the bathroom to calm down, but that didn't work. I saw everyone hating me, because I lied. I need to be careful for who I tell my stuff to.

                                                              *Laurance's POV* 

I hope Aphmau is ok, I mean when she screamed it was scary. I hope nothing happened for when she vanished in her sleep. Maybe I should tell her. -I walk up to Aphmau- Hey Aphmau are you ok? That scream was pretty intense. "Yea I'm fine I just had a bad dream." Of what? "Um n-nothing!" Are you sure because I saw your body vanish. I asked everyone else only me, Zoey, and Travis saw that you were gone, everyone else said that you were still there but us 3 couldn't see you. "That's weird can we change the subject Laurance. heheheh" Aphmau you know you can talk to me about anything right? *he puts his hand on my cheek* "Look Laurance I just don't want to talk about it yet, but I promise that I will tell you when I'm ready to tell everyone." Ok Aphmau just be careful.

                                                                         *Zane's POV*

I can't believe my plan worked for seeing Aphmau in her sleep, and I'm pretty sure that scream I heard was her. Anyways now it's time to prepare for the ceremony, I hope she enjoys it as much as I will. -Aph knocks on the door- "Open up Zane." Why yes, how can I help you... "I don't need help I'm hear to ask you a question." Which is? "I need to know why you showed up in my dreams." Oh that little test was just the beginning. "Why did Laurance say I vanished in my dreams huh?" Well it's called a dreamscape, it's when you think of something or someone you care are about the most and they will eventually appear in your dreams. "Was that a little side-effect from your plan?" No that's apart of your powers, they will be mine and the first step was coming here. "I don't care, HEY why can't I transform OW!" See the more you try to the more unstable you will be, so I would stop trying if I were you. -she passes out- See what I mean now step two will soon begin.   

                                                     *Garroth's POV*

Hey guys I kind of feel weird, somethings wrong with Aphmau. "We know that." Travis says. No that's not it she's worse, and I know who has her..."Who?" Zane...


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one byeeeeee :)

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