Day 11

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Eleanor's loose brown hair was not swept up in its usual Elizabethan style. She walked barefoot and her simple white gown swayed in the slight breeze. The air was still the sticky sweet of summer, but Eleanor noticed the nip in the wind which suggested the beginning of autumn. She felt free, as if she could run off this island and across the ocean to wherever the wind would take her. Her father wouldn't stop her, no one would stop her. Because no one could. She closed her eyes and trusted her feet to choose the right path as she walked. Several women walked behind her, insuring she wouldn't veer off the well-trodden path. She was of great importance to the colony and carried within her a beacon of hope. Swift footsteps filled Eleanor's ears and she quickly opened her eyes, instantly thinking the noise was created by Indians seeking to kill her. She turned to face Ananias, who looked at her in shock. "Eleanor," He said incredulously. "You are in a delicate state. I beg of you the last time, please stay inside." His blue eyes begged her and she let her own blue eyes loll back at him. "I must be getting fresh air, I feel so confined in that damned house." She said sharply. The women behind her gasped audibly at her unladylike swearing. Ananias looked at her gently. "Eleanor, your time is coming soon. You mustn't be afraid. You do not realize the importance you are to all of us." Eleanor silently cursed herself for marrying a man who knew her so completely. A hot flash came over her and perspiration penetrated her gown. "I-I am not frightened. Of course, everything w-will be just f-fine." Ananias looked at her with new eyes, a fragile young woman bearing his child, with the dire hour approaching her. "Yes," He whispered. "It will." He took her in his arms and pressed their bodies together, her large firm stomach forming a divide between them. He ignored all the people who may be watching their public display of affection. He did not care what others thought of him as long as he was with Eleanor. "You are not only an importance to this colony," He repeated to Eleanor. "But to me, most of all." Eleanor leaned her weight against him and let her head rest against the area between his chest and neck. Ananias' hands slowly traveled down to her protruding belly and rested on top comfortingly. A rush of lust coursed through her as she remembered just so much she loved Ananias. Her own hands met his and caressed the area that held their growing child. Slowly, Ananias led her back to the house where he settled her into her bed. He kissed the top of her head, knowing full well this may be the last time he saw his wife as in love with him as she was now.

Later that night, he was informed that Eleanor was having the child. All seventeen women were crowded into his own house and he sat dejectedly outside, wringing his hands. Hours passed slowly and his anxiety grew rapidly. Eleanor was not making a sound, perhaps she was remaining strong for him. Perhaps she was too proud to yell out. Perhaps something was wrong. Soon, the first lights of dawn shown on the horizon. Suddenly, he heard a scream. Eleanor's scream. Another scream. He winced as though he was feeling her pain as well. Finally, one last scream of anguish and Ananias heard a different sound. It was the sound of a babe crying. And so, as the first streaks of sunlight hit the Earth on August 18, 1587, the first child to be born in America was welcomed. Eleanor and Ananias called her "Virginia". Thus, Virginia Dare was born.

{A/N: As you may or may not know, this is based off true events. Virginia Dare was the first child born in America, Eleanor and Ananias Dare were her parents. August 18,1587 is her actual birthday. Unfortunately, she and the other 118 people in her colony disappeared, famously known as the Roanoke Colony. It is "recorded" by Eleanor Dare that both Ananias and Virginia died within the next three years but that is also speculated. Lots of information on the Roanoke Colony is online so if you want to learn more, just search. Thanks for reading.}

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