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Hey, thanks for reading this far! It really means a lot:)

But three things:

1.) The next chapter is the longest yet and it's kind of the beginning to a could-be story. So tell me if you are intrigued, and maybe I will continue! (Btw, next chapter is also a zombie apocalypse story. If you're not into that stuff, fine, you don't have to read it. It's not anything totally horrific I suppose but if you wanted to take a step out of your comfort zone maybe you would like it! I know I did!)

and 2.) I want you guys to *please* tell me what you think of my writing. Honestly. I won't be hurt at all if you're blunt. It's to help me out! I'm a writing rookie here on wattpad and in general, so my skills could greatly improve:) Is my writing too cliché, cheesy, overrated, or boring for you? Just say it! Taste of writing is also a personal thing, so I would like many opinions. Which leads me to point three:

3.) Please comment, vote, and fan! I'm sorry if I sound desperate but there's a ton of amazing Wattpadders out there I would love to learn from! That means you! :)

Jinx <3

P.S. just incase you were wondering, I'm fourteen years old and I type this on my iPhone :)

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