Day 17

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{Here's One Direction Preferences. Sorry if you don't like One Direction and I know these are corny but I've been super busy lately so... Plus these are old. Ugh. - Jinx.}


Harry {age 7} : "Oh no, oh no," You squeeze your eyes tightly shut and grip the tree branch. You dare to look below you and you see Harry waving his arms wildly, curls bouncing everywhere. "C'mon, Y/N! Don't be scared! I promise I'll catch you!" You shake your head furiously from the limb of the oak tree. "No way, Hawwy!" You had a slight lisp since you had recently lost one of your front teeth. "There is no way... It's impossible!" Harry yells back up at you: "Y/N, look! I'm a big strong man now! I'm almost eight! I can TOTALLY catch you!" You narrow your eyes at him and say, "How can I trust you?" "I'm your bestest friend!" He retorts. "What about the tooth fairy?! You told me she was real and it's really just MY DAD!" You scream. "She is real!" Harry screams, "Your dad couldn't visit all those kids houses in just one night!" Okay, you guess he's got a point. Maybe your dad ISN'T the tooth fairy. "Fine! Do you PINKY SWEAR not to let me fall?" You yell down nervously. He says back: "I promise you, Y/N, I swear that I will--" The tree branch you are sitting on suddenly makes a cracking noise. You don't have time to scream before you are falling through the air. Why did you follow Harry up a tree anyway?! Good job, Y/N! Just as quickly as you fall from the tree, you land in Harry's arms, knocking him backwards. You catch your breath and look at yourself. No blood, no hurt. You realize you are sitting on Harry and wonder if you crushed him too! "Are we alive?" You ask. Harry opens his eyes, which were previously glued shut. He looks himself over similarly. "Yeah," He breathes. "I saved you! I caught you! I really did it!" He yells. "Woohoo! I saved Y/N's life!" You would argue, but at your age, you figured he wasn't lying. Harry Styles kept promises.

Zayn {age 8} :

Today it was your eighth birthday and even though you'd had a party and all your friends had been invited, you couldn't help but feel a little down. Sarah and Jenna were nice, but nobody compared to Zayn. Zayn and his family had been gone on vacation for the past week and he had missed your birthday! He promised he would make it up to you, but it just wouldn't be the same. Zayn was your best friend. It was ten o'clock and you were laying in bed trying not to cry. A few fat tears splattered on your pillow. You had really been expecting him to show up. This is my worst birthday ever, you thought. Your mom opened your bedroom door a crack, "Y/N, sweetie, are you still awake?" "Yes," You sniffle. "Are you alright?" She says nicely, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, I'm okay," You sigh, wiping tears. "Okay enough to see someone who came to visit you?" She asks, slightly smiling. You hop out of bed and run down the stairs, already knowing who it is. You round the bend and there he is, waiting at the front door like he promised! "ZAYN!!!" You scream, running into his arms. "Y/N!!!" He screams back. You hug each other and when you pull apart he is smiling. "Happy Birthday, Y/N." He says, handing you a giant teddy. "I knew you'd come, I just knew it," You grin at him. The teddy has white fur and is holding a big red heart with "Y/N" written on it. "I had it specially made in Disney World." He says proudly. You notice a homemade construction paper card is also taped to the bear. It reads: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" with lots of smiley faces and hearts. You open it and there is a drawing in crayon of a little you and a little Zayn holding hands under a rainbow. "BEST FRIENDS FOREVER" it says. On the other side, he wrote a note in purple marker: "Dear Y/N,

We're both eight now! Woohoo! Happy happy happy birthday! I hope your birthday is just as awesome as you are. You know you're my very best friend, right? I love you lots, Y/N! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Forever and ever, Your Zaynie Poo." "Do you like it, do you like it?" He asks. "I love it Zayn." You say, beaming. You hug all over again, until your mom calls you in the kitchen for leftover birthday cake.

Niall {age 5} :

"Here, Princess Y/N, take my hand." Niall takes you to the top of the play set on the playground. All the way to the very top, right next to the twisty slide! You swear you're a taller than the rest of the kindergarten class. When you get there, Niall holds your hand tighter in his little pudgy one. "Look, Y/N, we're on top of the world!" He says to you. You look and are amazed... Even Mrs. Jacobs looks small from up here! "Wow..." You say in your little girl voice. "Hey, I gots an idea!" Niall says. "You don't have to be princess anymore, you can be queen! Queen Y/N! Do you like that? Huh?" You are a naturally shy kid so you nod your head. How a girl like you became friends with bubbly Niall Horan, you will never know. "Okay, so since you is the Queen, I will be the King! King Niall and Queen Y/N! King and Queen of the World!" You smile a little smile at him and he continues yelling. "We'll rule the world and never let anything bad happen. And all the little animals and people will be happy! And we can have lots of food... And Nando's chicken for the king! Yay!" I giggled and he took both our hands and raised them up. "And I promise to love Queen Y/N because she is the fairest queen of all the, of all the world, because, well, she is the world, yea, Y/N is my world!" He yells. "I LOVE Y/N!" And you break out of your shell and yell: "I LOVE NIALL!" You continue laughing even as Mrs. Jacobs drags you off the playground and to the principle's for making a disturbance.

Liam {age 6} :

"Y/N, I'm going to count to 10 and then I'll come look for you, got it?" Liam asks you. "Yes, sir!" You agree to his game of hide and seek. "And don't touch my Woody and Buzz Lightyear!" He says as you run off. "You'll give them cooties!" You hide behind a chair in his living room. "9... 10!" You hear him yell. "Ready or not, here I come!" You stay silent as he walks around. "Y/N... Y/N... Come out, come out wherever you are!" You curl up into a smaller ball and try to keep from laughing. You see him walking around in his Toy Story pajama pants, looking under every counter, even in the oven and fridge. He runs upstairs and you hear him opening and closing doors. He comes back down stairs and even checks the scary basement, all the while yelling: "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N!" He starts getting desperate. "Y/N, please," He begs. "Come out. Please. I quit!" I'm not coming out no matter what! Ten minutes have passed and Liam is still looking! Finally, he collapses on the couch right next to the chair you're hiding behind and puts his face in his hands. "Oh my gosh, I lost her! She's gone forever, the bogey man probably ate her! Gone forever, and it's all my fault! What if she ran away? Oh no! It's all my fault, all my fault. I'm so sorry, Y/N," He says, "I'm so sorry I said you had cooties, and made fun of you, and broke your Barbies, I'm so so so so sorry!" He cries. "Please come back! Please!" You am starting to feel bad so you pop out from behind the chair. "Boo!" You yell. "Y/N!" He screams, hugging you. "I thought you were gone forever!" He kisses your cheek over and over. "Thank you!" He says. You laugh. "Oh Liam...".

Louis {age 7} :

"Louis!" You scream, "Faster!" Louis pulls you to a dead stop in the your red wagon. "Hel-oh! Y/N, YOU are supposed to be advertising our candy! I don't see YOU doing much work!" You patted the loads of candy we were supposed to be selling. "Well, don't you want some for yourself?" You say sweetly. "No," He grumbled. "My sisters will eat it anyway..." "Oh Lou, for gods sake stop being such a grumpy gills." "I am NOT being a grumpy gills!" "Are too!" "Am not!" "Are too!" "That's it!" Louis shouted, "You want to go fast, I'll go fast!" He started sprinting with you in the wagon. "Okay, Louis, whoa!" You said as you tried holding all the candy in the wagon. "Slow down!" Your pigtails were flying in the wind. "No, not until you say sorry!" He yelled over his shoulder. You grumbled because you weren't really in the mood for apologies. But at the same time you were hurdling in a red wagon towards the infamous Bump in the Sidewalk. I was NOT going over that! "Fine, Louis, I'm sorry! Now slow down--" At that moment, we went over the Bump and the candy and you go flying. You stand up and pull your pink dress back down. "Louis Tomlinson, I WILL KILL--" "Oww," He says, poking a new bloody cut on his leg. Now you feel bad because you injured Louis and were the potential cause of the crash. "Aw, Lou, are you alright?" You say. "Yeah, Y/N, I'm okay," He says quietly. "I'm sorry for going fast. It was dumb of me." "It's okay, Boobear. I forgive you." You say, using his hated nickname. You bend down and kiss his wound as he winced. You take one of the thick ribbons out of your hair and wrap it around his leg as a makeshift bandage. "There, all better." You smile. He grins back at you. "Thanks Y/N." You help him back up and start picking up the candy and loading it back in the wagon. "Well, I doubt anyone will want to buy crushed candy. And it's all my fault." You say. "No, it's my fault." Louis says. "No, it's mine." I argue. "Y/N, IT'S MINE!" "LOUIS TOMLINSON IS A BUTTHEAD!" You yell, laughing. You and Louis fight a lot, but you are the best of friends.

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