Best Zombie Apocalypse Ever! ~VenturianTale Story~

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I panted as I ran into the McDonalds with my best friend behind me, the zombies raked at the glass on the pull door but they would never get in. I look at Bethany and sigh, sitting on the floor as she clutched her crowbar, and I hang onto mine. 

"That was close." Bethany comments as she locks the door.

"Yeah," I sigh. "It was." 

She moved over to a booth in the dining area of the McDonalds. As I sat at the door and listened to the scraping of the Zombies clawing at the door.

"Trapped in a McDonalds, in a zombie apocalypse. Great." Bethany said.

"It's better than nothing." I say and stand up, looking around the place as my friend rested.

The place seemed clean, yet abandoned. hamburgers and fried still sat, warm and smelling fantastic, under the lamps and my stomach growled. I ignored it ans walked into the managers office, I jumped as I saw an image of a cat on the screen and jumped once more as Bethany joined me suddenly. 

"Aww what a cute kitty!" She exclaims cooing over the image of the cat. 

"It's the zombie overlord, it's a transition from the zombie overlord." I say simply. 

"It's so... cute though!" She giggles. 

I turn to walk out after studying my best friend. Her long-sleeved green sweater was amazingly clean as she stared at the screen. Her olive skin was a little dirty but her lips somehow still had a coveirng of brown lipstick and her long brown hair was in a nice, neat bun. 

I walked out and suddenly I hear Bethany shout. 


The thought hadn't occured to me until I thought. Yeah, where is the bathroom? McDonalds is maily there for the bathroom. Before the apocalypse started when you had to stop you pretty much went to McDonalds.

We head out of the kitchen area and over to the booth and table area again. Soon we came up on the bathroom and the boys was condemned so Bethany dragged me into the girls. 

Before I could protest I look over at these what I presumed to be sinks, and saw how dirty they were.

"Okay, that has to be the single nastiest thing I had ever seen... ever." I comment before I coujld stop the thought from escaping my mouth.

 Bethany started to laugh. "And they had problems that day too."

With that I rolled my eyes and turned to storm our of the bathroom as she cracked up lauing.

"WOW! Okay... okay... o-kay." I mutter as I walk back over to the booth area and stopped suddenly.

The clawing was gone, and I looked out the windows to see they all were pretty much gone other than a few stragglers. 

"Bethany, want to go kill some zombies?" I ask.

"Yeah! ZOMBIESSSS!" She waved her crowbar around as she charged out the door.

I roll my eyes and smile as I hang the crowbar on my belt and pull out my hidden pistol and walk outside, brandishing the rusted weapon. 

We shoot the few zombies until I get bored and walk behind the McDonalds, stepping over the bodies. Everything seemed so morbid now-a-days. I found a odd, giant shed in the back and called Bethany over as I opened it. 

It was a wide room full of weapons, and a couch complete with a table and an old tv. A folding chair was beside the old, red couch and a matress that looked majorly dirty, and ripped up lay on the floor near us. I sat on the couch and just stared at the staticky screen as Bethany looked around. 

Soon I shot the damn broken TV and stood up, I walked across the room finding a strange, floating pistol. I stared at the writing on it.

The Floating Gun Of The Ancient Aztec

I couldn't help myself, I reached out and touched it, and everything went... rainbow?

Best Zombie Apocalypse Ever! ~VenturianTale Story~Where stories live. Discover now